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  1. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    If you talking about Charly Hebdo... i dont know what shit you mean.... Saïd and Chérif Kouachi the oorganisators were sons of Algerian immigrants, born in France and were French citizens. First this has nothign to to with europe. Thats an inner-france problem. Dont apply these terror to all...
  2. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    Except the US seeing everywhere threats. Threats in russia. Threats in china. Threats in iran Threats in afghanistan. Threats in nortkorea. Threats in saudi-arabia. Threats in syria. Threats in pakistan. Threads in lebanon. I forgot so many.... US depleting up ressources, have the highest...
  3. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    I dont care if take him as symptom or as the course. His election marks that era.
  4. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    Ya especially USA turned into an international ASHOLE with no responsibility! Biden cant rebuild what Trump destroyd!
  5. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    Theres a hole bunch of problem So a kangoroo court processed in Nürnberg and sentenced the nazi regime to death.... good to know that! You are so arrogant... as if US courts are not full or kangaroos! * You just dont want not to obey to international rules... you want to live by your own...
  6. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    But you expect the hole world to be subject to the whims of the US... just with intimidating military. right. The right of the strongest... no matter he is an idiot with his army...
  7. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    We have policeman taking POC into custody, then they check if migrant, if no family, they have some fun with the tonfa beat8ing the shit out of them, posing for some great pics, and if someone drove it to far, that one gets a lighter and some desinfection stuff and gets the order to clean up the...
  8. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    You dont need to feel so offended, thank you for bringing up some exceptional cases. Is this "image correction"? throw pearls in front of the swine
  9. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    they do that themselves all day long lolz Just google news for "us shooting", newest: Why should i do act anything.... i just watch and speak, calling he devil by its name! This...
  10. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    So americans outside the US can murder, can rape, and the are imune... god shave america! Shave them hard!
  11. CheGueVapo

    Cooling LEDs via ir-emission to heat plants same time (new cooler concept art)

    The mission: Take use of the remaining electricity power of the LED-lamp in terms of excess heat, that is currently in general designs heating the cooler, than passed via convecting ribbs to the air above the lamp to the exhaust-ventilation, instead to take that heat and use it as radiation to...
  12. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor has said he was seeking approval to resume investigation into Afghanistan, focusing on the actions of the Taliban and the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K), while alleged US crimes will take a back seat. Aljazeera reports...
  13. CheGueVapo


    What kind of water you are watering? Do you know the mineral contents? Such low PH lower than 5.5 is a sign they liming agents (calmag) all have been used up. Check this out: Edit: dont try the2 tablespoons per pot.... if you try that, dilute it...
  14. CheGueVapo

    Need help!!!

    I like quiz that never reveal... i say 4-5... Definetly later than 3, not earlier than 6. To many factors, cant say. But the leaves not looking good. Overfeed...IMHO.... during that state... uuuuuh no, that stalls. Not even knowing the flowring week of my plans, seems impossibru to me... how...
  15. CheGueVapo

    Budrot...chop early?

    :clap: Time is not on your side.... With the words of duke nukem: Are you waiting for... christmas? :) just joking... ya chop sue! Cut small.... not put buds with spores in the dry room.... of course, give the buds room to dry, low temperatures. Try a little bitt faster curing for sake of...
  16. CheGueVapo

    These mothers went from perfect green to sick and need help

    Find out why he not cared.... make him to want to care for to care ;) Learning responsibility is the first deciple! YOu dont decide WHEN you must act... the plants decide that... and you better act, for success and dont be lazy any point.... It cant wait. Make him imagine it's a living pet...
  17. CheGueVapo

    These mothers went from perfect green to sick and need help

    The best nutrition is the footstep of the grower. That was missing. Detox what? lack of water and dead roots? Why not again: Because the damage you see above is only the tip of the iceberg.... the roots died, thats why thy drink to less and thats why leaves die.... without the roots, she cant...
  18. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Its about people looking for the "one" wavelength.... but there is no such... Look what the sun does: See how tiny UVB is? Itls relatively so small.... that its energeticly nearly irrelevant.... except for the damage it does! Therefore it is IN-effective The people ignore... that the THC and...