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  1. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Hmm why would any grower do that stupid. Better put your eyes into books to seek enlightenment, not into uv-c chips or other emitter.... oh dear. I hear this melody from somewhere, the weeknd.... uuuuh, im blinded by the lights 8)
  2. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    I agree, never look inside such lamps, same goes for the UVA/deepblue LED-chips, but also the royalblue can leave spots on your retina/macula. Shut off UVx for inspection to protect your skin and STILL use protection wear for the eyes, and i mean not only a cap, and some general sun-glasses but...
  3. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    UVA Therapielampe PUVA 120 W is the biggest i could find on the net for therapy..... theese are pure in the range lower than 410.... peaking at 350.
  4. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    The question is how far away to position such a lamp if it exists and what to wear to protect, since this power is significant... you dont want to stand next to such an emitting device. But its not 300W UV-A.. check the data: Dont claim its 300W UVA when its just a normal white light with...
  5. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Theres fluorescent lamps. Google for PUVA therapy and you find the bulbs. 15W is enough for a 300W LED..... one should stimulate with extra additional UVA..... not let the fucking lucifer shine down on them to grow chlorosis! 300W UVA bulb... , by the almighty....
  6. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Plus zerozero-sieving the tumbled twisla with a 200 mesh turn out a lot of fluffs and hairs that could be easily removed with sieving... That moment i realised what dirt catcher cannabis is in-house for dust and flour, things i never wanted to know.... consequently you smoke it with the buds...
  7. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    I know a lot... but in fact, it's nothing! So i know nothing! Hold my beer, reach me the cup of hemlock... I'm going to prove it anytime! I'm stupid ;) *coughcough
  8. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    They have a quite shorter life expectancy that the other leds.... also 385,395,405 are relatively expensive. So the costs are a thing that reflect in the price, non the less it is possible to harvest more THC per square than ever before or than ever seen in the wilderness, with only femines at...
  9. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    I even found people that took there mouth to full.... they said 3 seconds after the toke: "I dont feel anything".... "i said, ya, no scratchy, but wait for the bang"... he toke more and still had big mouth.... 5 minutes later he was done, laying there like, well "done"... he couldn't even answer...
  10. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Anytime somebody says "but i can have 'haze' for lower price" I answer: "fine, its tumbled, whatever"... and Im outta the deal ;) and must never see him again. Still I know he remembers what he just smoked from me.... and that drives him mad, with what ive just said. I try to maximally confuse...
  11. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Exactly... have the balls first, especially if you're pursued for every tiny milligramms of this result.... the THC, not the bud alone! Its not that i dont share it .... i roll a blaster from the hash or from the weed i got and pass it on without a tear it beiing gone. I just dont like when...
  12. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Sure if you think that could ever be enough, what you think they do when it run empty? Close they shop? No it always FULL of weed, no matter how much is selled.... if you believe thats all from the "closer" and there's no import over the borders, fine. But in fact there is more export from...
  13. CheGueVapo

    What Is Best Soil pH?

    When the soil drops PH below 5.5, this usually means the calmag-reservoir is used up, next recyle I add some dolomite.... it buffers up to 7.... so adding up until 5.9-6.0... Thats why i use BB Calmag with every RO-watering, so that the reservoir in the pots doesnt uses up in the middle of the...
  14. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Most people believe the dutch weed in the coffeeshops was grown legally in the netherlands. But how comes the dutch government has no trace of where it comes from at all.... Somewhere in good old germany, there seems to be a folk of evil criminal tumblers... :fire: They are so high, like, i...
  15. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    IM A TUMBLER..... HATE ME NOW! I smoke my my hash in an afghan cave, preparing the next strike on your territory LFMAO No honestly, just joking.. :hug:
  16. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    When your friends want buds at a low price or gifted for free like if it was nothing or easy and dont respect the work, like if it shit from the streets and not valueing the brutal mass of trichomes modern lights the grower produces in comparison to whatever they saw in a coffeeshop, higher...
  17. CheGueVapo

    What Is Best Soil pH?

    Well i dont want to buy destilled water everytime, thats why i use a RO-membrane-water-source. Theres only little 15 ppms left in the clean water, most of it tiny doeses of the original minerals of the tap water (calcium,magnesium,sodium,chloride) as it is not perfectly holding back atoms...
  18. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    One should consider adjusting the light intensity per day (increasing/decreasing DLI) and the amount and intensity of UVA/deep-violet in the final ripeness phase of the grow to accelerate or slow down ripeness of the plant in line with the desired trichome contents. Over-ripeness can be wanted...
  19. CheGueVapo

    What Is Best Soil pH?

    With a big city life in a flat with not even a balcony or a garden, you dont catch rain and you dont want to catch this rain next to high ways and industrial-petrochemical-parks, coal-power-plants and a lot of nuclear reactors, that are - say - "over time", good old french high tech... thanks...
  20. CheGueVapo

    Little (very tiny) hard shelled thing inside each individual calyx.. what are these?

    I had some cycles with these "Style" having a bluish color. It looked amazing under the microscope.... blue microseeds everywhere after using the grinder :) On closer look you can determinein with bare eyes. Mind boggling.... what the hell is this!? :) I remember that i had these when i...