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  1. CheGueVapo

    Plant with no pistols / hair but its not a problem (cool pics)

    When i see it right... its not only the stigmas missing.... basically everything meant for the seeds to capture the pollen and to breed the seed, the hole apperatur is missing, except the small flower-leaves covered in resin. Its just a veging plant with resin. No else signs of flower. Hmm...
  2. CheGueVapo

    Plant with no pistols / hair but its not a problem (cool pics)

    Do you know from other growers facing this? That the air or soil contains chemical pollutants causing this is possible too. But if others never came across this and you have it on two plants, i would not believe its air or soil outdoors.
  3. CheGueVapo

    Plant with no pistols / hair but its not a problem (cool pics)

    Plant her right next into the soil to a male, they communicate through the root zone.... maybe she gets hot and wild again for some swollen bananas! You fooled her to long..... when you don't pollenize, kill them.... else is torture. This are intelligent beeing. You cant fool them endlesly...
  4. CheGueVapo

    Plant with no pistols / hair but its not a problem (cool pics)

    It's sign of protest! :) No stigmas for no propper food! Striking! No serious nutrient stress can cause such mutations, imaginable. Imagine you switch from fastfood in your childhood, to good food when your parents throw you out.... :D This is a shock to your gut.... no more bicmac and...
  5. CheGueVapo

    Plant with no pistols / hair but its not a problem (cool pics)

    I hope this doesnt refer to any unethical dendrophilic practices with the plants ;) Maybe someone has rippid the stigmas off with a tweezers :D It looks interesting, but i dont think its attractive bud to make something go "missing".... i see no sense in keeping that. I would be baffled if the...
  6. CheGueVapo

    What Is Best Soil pH?

    Sure, sry!
  7. CheGueVapo

    Plant with no pistols / hair but its not a problem (cool pics)

    So a re-flowering of a re-veg after harvest? Without stigmas.... Interesting. Why dont it produce new ones? Ideas?
  8. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Thats what ignorant people do... they ignore! Thanks for proving my initial statement!
  9. CheGueVapo

    What Is Best Soil pH?

    Because living cells need both, you dont build a cell with only calcium but without magnesium. It dont work! Plants need magnesium and the demand rises from about week 3 of flowering. Thats when people usually add epsom salt, because the plants take use of that. The plant needs to take up both...
  10. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    These claim yours that you would need 280nm... Still they admit that UVA enhaces and lowers the amount of UVB needed to trigger the effect... I say you dont need UVB at all, to trigger the response of the phytolyase...
  11. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Must be a U.S.-university regarding yourknowledge. No wonder. In germany you would have been sent to the special school for such level of ignorance. Im arrogant, but you are ignorant ;=) "Understand the photoylases" I only reepeat that from know on... ;) until you learned what it means! Mister...
  12. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    The claimed evidence for the UV-B perception sounds interesting... but i see no reference on that side you posted. Its just a claim.... and they say a lot about UV-B... but only few sentence about UV-A , that it is regulatory and high amount damagers, sorry this is no valuable informationi to...
  13. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Maybe it increase because the UVB decreased the biomass by beeing bad for the growth of the biomass, just the resin is fine with it.... whatever. I wanted to be out... have fun with experiencing UVB and believing in it..... but in the end, the UVA LED emitters mentioned work fine out. increase...
  14. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Anesia didn't reproduce 37% thc with short blasts of UVB..... if that would work... you would have that results in the 1980s man.... You seem kindo blocked and too much into UVB.... you dont WANT to give it up.... people try it so looong... IT DOES NOT WORK... no matter in the laboratory short...
  15. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    I have somethiong for you to think about.... You need an umbrella for the rainy days, correct. But theres not always rain at the moment. How do you detect if it could be rainy day and you would need an umbrella..... Right, only the dark clouds is what you look for to decide! If it suddenly...
  16. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    The chemical splitting of 2 hydrogen from 2hydrogene with1 oxygene, called "water", via light, called "photosythesis" is NOT a conversion into heat, but a conversion of energy into accumulation of complex molecules in an organical beeing, called "growth"..... the bud is only ultimately converted...
  17. CheGueVapo

    What Is Best Soil pH?

    See that you can never adjust the soil pH by just adding acid or base ions for H+ or OH- without a lime buffer... that lime is the organic cal/mag. You should add something like dolomite until the soil reaches the desired PH, not base..... and when your soil got to much lime accumulating from...
  18. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Check the luminus homepage, under the category "UV" you dont find the chips... but click on "horticulture" there it lists them: Why does luminus list these under horticulture? Product Image Product Color Package Max Drive Current Optical Output...
  19. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Bugbee explicitely mentions the efficiacies of the chips and compares it to the royalblue, which are very good. Listen carefully... i marked the timestamp wherehe begins about that topic, just click play. Note: "the peak heights are proportional to their efficiacies, this is the standard blue"...
  20. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Well despite the absorbance spectrum of THC peaks lower for UVB and even when it absorbs deeper UVA better, the resin secretetion and production seems to increase best with the photons right around the edge of the visible spectrum. The luminus chips perfectly fit in.... 405 can be attached to...