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  1. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    This is comparing apples to oranges. The QA requirements in the MMPR are for medicinal plants and are comparable to what is used for any other medicinal plant product (Echinacea, St Johns wort, etc.) so the requirements are quite different than a purified chemical (For example, microbe count is...
  2. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    It could have been an ok system (especially as a dual system; it could have been a good replacement for DGs), but they structured it so that it isn't. The QA failures are a joke, and it dosnt seem that you are better off going through an LP than the black market. How many recalls have there...
  3. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    That is the canned answer they gave me when I asked a while back, basically no answer at all. I dont think I ever got a straight answer about anything from them...
  4. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    UV sterilization usually uses UV-C, which is almost completely filtered by the atmosphere, so they are not really comparable. On that note, if you have something that is claimed to be "UV resistant" or the like, they usually only refer to UV-A and UV-B, so dont trust them if you are working...
  5. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    The company's pre-programmed setting is 140 F for 15 minutes. You could alter it for different applications, but this is what they have used for all of their claims. I'm personally a little sceptical that it is as effective as they claim (they did their tests using artificially inocculated...
  6. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    140 F (60 C) for 15 minutes.
  7. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Yes, UV damages DNA (kind of the point), but this is not contagious. As long as you dont pass through the ventilation system yourself, I think you will be ok...
  8. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Actions speak louder than words. This program has only been in place for about a year, and how many QA failures and other LP shenanigans have there been? Obviously $hit happens, but what has HC or anyone else done about it? Absolutely nothing; these LPs have not been punished for obvious...
  9. K

    No problem, I forget what I wanted to chat about (maybe just nerd stuff...) and it is likely...

    No problem, I forget what I wanted to chat about (maybe just nerd stuff...) and it is likely irrelevant now anyway since I am down for the count. I think it was for the best though given the way things have gone, and fortunately we had not really invested any real cash yet.
  10. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    That's just crazy, another tulip bubble in the making... If it goes legal, there is nothing to stop people from getting in at that point. Of course anyone currently in the medical market will have a leg up, but it seems like a big risk to take.
  11. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    They are pretty much the same thing. I ran into an LP that was previously running a CC with millions in sales (so they claimed anyway). How is that any different than an LP with millions in sales? I've seen other DG operations that were running as LPs as far as I could tell. The problem...
  12. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    If you are so sick of reading it, why do you keep opening the thread and reading it?
  13. K

    I have heard of several denials on this basis.

    I have heard of several denials on this basis.
  14. K

    It wasn't actually denied yet. They want an official survey and the zoning of surrounding lots...

    It wasn't actually denied yet. They want an official survey and the zoning of surrounding lots. Since there are a lot of houses in the vicinity, we dont think its worth the expense just to be denied.
  15. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Well, we withdrew our first application after it had made it through the first phase due to zoning issues. We re-submitted once the zoning issues had been resolved with what was essentially the same application (that had previously been accepted for the next phase), but things had changed a...
  16. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Looks like I am down for the count. What was an acceptable location the first time around dosnt look like it is anymore. What was accepted in the application earlier, no longer is. I would definitely be wary of the ever changing rules, not set up for small producers at all. I guess it is...
  17. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    does make sense, but was not required before. We were hoping to get through the initial review before doing it (which was acceptable before).
  18. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    They didn't state that it had to be 500m from a house, just that we needed to include a aerial photo that shows a 500m radius around the site. This was on a blue checklist that they sent back with our application. What is interesting is that we did not receive such a checklist showing the...
  19. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    We dont really know how many have been rejected, or even how many have applied. What I mean by this is that I have submitted an application that I later withdrew. I then submitted an application that was rejected because it was missing some items (ie. image showing 500 m radius, even though it...
  20. K

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I sent them an e-mail asking about the 500m thing. They (obviously) just gave me a vague answer stating that the local zoning etc. are all taken into account when determining the risk factor of the proposed location (which is odd given that they originally said this was up to the municipality)...