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  1. S

    slow growth

    Bet you $100 that your 1500 watt LEDs are not even close to drawing 1500 watts at the wall. Do you have a killawatt meter or a smart plug so we can figure out how much power your lights actually use. Once we figure that out I can help you make the proper adjustments to improve growth. The...
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    Small buds fresh candy

    That thing looks like a hermie
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    Yeah I’ve purchased 6 total from a couple of different suppliers. 2 main lights and 4...

    Yeah I’ve purchased 6 total from a couple of different suppliers. 2 main lights and 4 supplemental bars for additional spectrum
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    I can tell! A read thru the last half of your journal and saw you missed your yield goal by a bit but I’m sure you’ll start killing once you find more strains that throw down!
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    leaves yellow with brown spots and burnt tips

    What kind of coco are you using? And what your pH?
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    bong going down wrong?

    Glad more people are starting to notice! Dude needs to get a fuckin life. The worst part is that he posts EVERYWHERE and an unsuspecting newbie is gonna see "Well-Known Member" under his name and take his shitty advice and ruin their plants.
  7. S

    Is this Bruce Banner finished?

    Trichs look plenty milky to me. Some would say its ready to pull now while others will tell you to wait until you see some ambers. Kinda looks like you've got some fox tailing going on unless the camera makes it look weird or its just an interesting bud structure
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    Impressive operation! Love how clean and tidy everything is! Thats how a grow space should look! Also some good ammo for the war against the idiots who still think LEDs can't grow high grade!
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    number one rule is patience! don't worry about topping just quite yet. let the plant grow a bit. and you never wanna top a plant that is unhealthy! the media you are using is inert so you actually don't have nutrient burn, its actually a nutrient deficiency you are dealing with. you have to...
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    Hopefully there is still a place for you when shit settles down a bit. Microbreweries and boutique wineries are incredibly popular, I see no reason why a cannabis equivalent shouldn’t exist successfully! Best of luck to you. Do you have any photos of your operation? Or a thread I could check out?
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    Just the thought of that is giving me a justice boner. Sadly I don’t see that happening any time soon. I realize that in these times, a sarcasm tag is needed more than ever for such a ridiculous comment.
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    Yes. Nute is shorthand for nutrient. And yes they look burnt. What medium are you growing in? Are you feeding anything other than cal mag currently. pop quiz, do you know what the number one rule of growing marijuana is?
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    Hey hey hey, hold on a minute. Corporations are people too! Have some respect!
  15. S

    DIY LED Options in a 2'x3'x2.6' Cabinet

    I’d go with strips for sure. With the right strips, your plants can grow into and literally touch the lights with no harm done. COBs still put out quite a bit of heat, hence the big heat sinks or fans!
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    Damn. Are you guys keeping it in house now? Is ok just medical or do you have rec? Seems like it’s like the Wild West either way
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    That happened to me last year. I was cruising towards the finish line with weed prices skyrocketing and then half of Northern California caught on fire and everyone panic harvested. Started this one a few months earlier but fire season keeps getting longer :(
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    What do your usually get for 9lbs of trim like that out there?
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    Legal Weed is destroying Cannabis Genetics

    I highly doubt the processor will be in business long if he’s pulling shady shit all the time.