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  1. 600wMediGreenGrower

    The UK Growers Thread!

    be very carefull of cheap soil, u can have mites and fungas nats in it before u even plant!!! the best soil for uk growers is john innes, they have a range from 1 to 5. 1 for seedlings and the higher range for more established plants!!
  2. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    i like to read through, especially if i run into something interesting, always willing to learn and improve on my skills. the NL is looking good with u roseman, i cant wait until i get into week 5-6 when the buds realy start to go into overdrive!! 600wMedi :joint:
  3. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    looking at rosemans nice cola pic and i had to add my own, hope u dont mind roseman, i think the pics speak for themselves. :joint:
  4. 600wMediGreenGrower

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    lovely looking plants every1. very easy on the eye if u get me........600wMedi
  5. 600wMediGreenGrower

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    hi m8, just wanted to say ive grown both ur strains, especially BRAINSTORM. heres a fiew pics if the brainstorm 4wks into 12/12.
  6. 600wMediGreenGrower

    removing/ trimming fan leaves during bloom

    i never pull fan leaves, not ever, if their sick i just leave them drop off naturally, remember people we are all trying to immitate nature, the plant will shed its leaves if it needs to. only my opinion. 600wMedi
  7. 600wMediGreenGrower

    i think im a greenthumb at heart or im just obsessed!!??

    yes, i dont know what it is about weed, i would never watch anyother plant grow for 3mnths, it wouldnt interest me and to be honest would bore me, nut weed is different its so exciting, u never know what ur gunna get, how well theyl do this time round, how big the buds will be, what the final...
  8. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    im subscribed to this thread, ive noticed a lot of experienced growers post on here!! no offence to the newbies but its nice to read about different techniques and such rather than the same old newbie questions, 1 thing for sure is with growing the all mighty green is that there is always...
  9. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    check my avator out RM , i have exacxtly the same issue, i have foliage in abundance, and buds everywhere, light penetration is a bit of a problem as their so full and lush, just looking for the latest pics of this grow!!!! what page please 600wMedi:joint:
  10. 600wMediGreenGrower

    i think im a greenthumb at heart or im just obsessed!!??

    took the words right out of my mouth!! any1 else wish to comment feel free.:joint:
  11. 600wMediGreenGrower

    i think im a greenthumb at heart or im just obsessed!!??

    i think the spiritual comment goes down well with me, i love it!!
  12. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud 12/12 first journal.

    thanx m8, very true about the screen!! if i notice there is a box behind the plants, i would have fitted 1 in there but their getting to big, so i just pulled them out, ive topped them once and their still going wild 3weeks into 12/12, im leaving them out to dod what they wanna do. as for...
  13. 600wMediGreenGrower

    i think im a greenthumb at heart or im just obsessed!!??

    i deffinetly dont want a cure, i think its in my b lood (literaly lol) i find it very theraputic and relaxing. i also like the suspence and watching the plants progress from seedlings into full blown monsters. peace to you. :leaf:600wMedi:leaf:
  14. 600wMediGreenGrower

    i think im a greenthumb at heart or im just obsessed!!??

    hi all, i think im obsessed with my babies, i love to spend lots of time with my plants, tending to them and just admiring their buity!! i love all aspects of growing from seed right through. it still blows my mind that all that weed can come from such a small seed (or clone in many cases!!)...
  15. 600wMediGreenGrower

    4 1/2 weeks into flower, safe to re-pot?

    mmmmm this thread couldnt start a small war, some would say go ahead some would say never to transplant whilst in flower. personaly in my opinion i would avoid transplant whilst in flower, i always make sure im in 3-5gall pots before i switch to 12/12 so a transplant is not needed. the...
  16. 600wMediGreenGrower


    bigbud, whiteshark must be 2 of the best for yeild. :weed:
  17. 600wMediGreenGrower

    whats northern lights like for yeild??

    p.s roseman i usualy veg until i see signs of pre-flower, i wait until the plants are sexualy mature and ready for 12/12, that way u get the optimum results. in some cases tho i have been forced to flower earlier after 3-4weeks vegging.
  18. 600wMediGreenGrower

    whats northern lights like for yeild??

    nice roseman, real nice, i got some bigbud on the go right now, they are getting big, 3weeks into 12/12. can u please tell me how i can put my journal in my sig like u have??? here are some bigbud x northenlights i grew a fiew months ago....they were around 20iches long and thick as hell...
  19. 600wMediGreenGrower

    whats northern lights like for yeild??

    hi roseman, i love northenlights, just wondering what ur idea of big plant is?? how tall was the 1 u had 4-5 ounces off?? mine got to about 2.5-3ft and i had 5oz per plant. 600wMedi...
  20. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Negative Rep

    i have helped quite a fiew people already and dont get much rep+ , i think because they only see 70 something posts they think im a learner, if only they knew!! im not a rep queen anyway i just like to help others grow and look at damn good bud porn.