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  1. 600wMediGreenGrower

    whats northern lights like for yeild??

    northen lights is a great allround strain, the yeild is avarage, i grew northenlights crossed with bigbud in my last grow and it was a realy good yeilder, 5oz per plant only vegged for 3weeks.
  2. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud 12/12 first journal.

    hi people, well i have pulled the plants out of the growbox as they where getting way to big and there was no room left for growth. no problems so far and they are doing realy well, very healthy. feeding 50ml bloom and 10ml boost in every 10leters of water everyother day. let me know what...
  3. 600wMediGreenGrower

    BIGBUD 2weeks into 12/12. 3plants 1of which will be a monster!! pics inside

    hi m8, yes as a matter of fact i just took some nice pics, they are 3 weeks into 12/12 and are looking realy good, very healthy, no problems so far, this grow is going good at the moment. lets hope it keeps going so well. let me know what u think of the pics guys, i also have a journal that i...
  4. 600wMediGreenGrower

    "Bud Pinching"...there is a difference

    i would'nt do this personaly, beware!!!! unless u have a very well ventilated dryroom with humidity as low as 25-30% i would'nt try this method, for this method makes the buds shorter and a lot fatter, fatter buds are much harder to dry and are prone to budrot. up2 u guys but it seems to me...
  5. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud 12/12 first journal.

    plants are doing great, still stretching but in control as ive started to LST. another fiew days to a week max and they should start concentrating on bud production rather than stem and leaf strength. i will take pics wkend sometime. i hadnt flushed them since seed so i flushed them yest with...
  6. 600wMediGreenGrower

    how much LST can you do before stressing the plant

    thanx for the comment on the plants, u need to tune into my journal and watch these babies progress, i promise some big juice nugs. as for this thread i know that lst is LOW STRESS but how much of it can u do before she starts to not like it???? my babies are getting big and im running out of...
  7. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud 12/12 first journal.

    hi here are the pics day 15 into flower, some pics of the low stress trainning i did, the top canopy is all the same hight now so i was able to lower the light to around 15inches away. the lst on the biggest plant has opened her right up allowing for much better light penetration making full use...
  8. 600wMediGreenGrower

    how much LST can you do before stressing the plant

    i am in the middle of LST'ing my bigbud, shes got so big i have to tie her down, ive done the 2main colas and was going to start tieying down the next tallest branches. just wondering if LST brings on any stress???? thanx in advance:mrgreen:
  9. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud 12/12 first journal.

    hi people, i started LST yesterday, tied the tallest plants two main colas down, i drilled 2 holes in the pot and used cord to tie the branches down, now the top cannopy is all the same hight wich is a lot better, i can get the 600w hps much closer now, i will post some pics of the plants tied...
  10. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud 12/12 first journal.

    hi people, i have run into a bit ov a problem, i have run out of room in my grow box, i only have 3 plants but their massive for 2weeks 12/12. thinking of pulling them out into more space and letting them reach their full potential. they are 2weeks into flower, 2 ov them r 2 and a half ft the...
  11. 600wMediGreenGrower

    White Rhino plants dying!! STRESSFUL, WORRYING TIMES! HELP!!

    he means to just cut of the dead bits, if the parts effected are lower down the plant ( at the bottom ) u can remove the leaf completely, remember tho if u do go nuts and remove to many u could stress the plant to much and it may go hermie on u. i just leave mine drop off = less stress on the...
  12. 600wMediGreenGrower

    White Rhino plants dying!! STRESSFUL, WORRYING TIMES! HELP!!

    have u ever stopped to think that ur plants can double even tripple in height and still be bushy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? i know mine where, look for 600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud journal and watch the progress, they will be massive bushy plants with hudge buds, check it out man.:peace:
  13. 600wMediGreenGrower

    White Rhino plants dying!! STRESSFUL, WORRYING TIMES! HELP!!

    remember that the soil will have nutes in it 2, so if ur gunna add half strengh nutes u may well burn ur plants, rem theyr not used to nutes, i told u to start 1/4 strength then slowly work ur way up, u dont wanna burn ur babies do u, ur only gunna add insult to injury if u go to hard to fast...
  14. 600wMediGreenGrower

    White Rhino plants dying!! STRESSFUL, WORRYING TIMES! HELP!!

    go take a look at my journal i just started!!!!!!!!!!!!! my internode spacing is spot on!!!!! nowwhere near lanky, how rude. as for that pic it was my last crop of bigbud and it dried and cured very nicely thankyou. the smoke isnt the most potent by far we all know this but it was a very nice...
  15. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    ???????????? why copy my post?? thats a bit random aint it????????? weird:fire:
  16. 600wMediGreenGrower

    big buddha cheese pics

    hey, lovely looking bud for a cfl grow, my m8 goes nuts for the cheese!!!!!!!! i would flush for a week or 2 keeping a very very close eye on her after the first week of flush, u dont want to miss the window of perfect harvest, if she goes over she will start to decrease in potency. nice 1
  17. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600wMediGreenGrowers bigbud 12/12 first journal.

    thanx m8, many pics to come!! i will keep this updated at least once a week, ur all welcome to come along for the ride and watch these turn into some heavy MONSTERS, i promise some big juicy colas.:leaf::leaf::leaf:600w Medi
  18. 600wMediGreenGrower

    White Rhino plants dying!! STRESSFUL, WORRYING TIMES! HELP!!

    pleas tell me why a big stretch is a bad thing???? my plants ALWAYS at least double in size if not triple sometimes and it has never been a bad thing????????? my buds are always big, dence and potent, why?????????