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  1. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600 W Coco/Perlite Indoor Blue Venom Grow

    MY LAST GROW, THEY LOOK A BIT LIKE URS these were 1 week into 12/12.
  2. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Does anyone know if the following strains like to be topped?

    bigbud/northenlights is a very hardy plant that can be topped more than once, i topped mine twice and it didnt mind at all, it didnt even slow the plants growth. if topped at around 12inches it will grow to 2 n half ft tall and produce nice big dank buds.
  3. 600wMediGreenGrower

    will these lights work for veg

    yes u do need warm white, i have advised u on what the plant needs during the flower period it is up to u if u choose to take that advice, i know i would lol. get a warm white.
  4. 600wMediGreenGrower

    will these lights work for veg

    u need more red spectrum to flower weed, red is the warm white bulb, so u deffo need to add the warm white before u flower, u realy should try to save for a 250-400w hps tho, the results are incomperable. good luck
  5. 600wMediGreenGrower

    bud rot?!? a week from harvest

    best advice would be to air dry before u jar cure, my method is to hang dry for 7 days with a fan blowing in the room, not directly on the buds but just to keep the air from getting stale, u can use a timer for the fan to come on and off, 15 mins on 15 mins off, that sort of idea. once the...
  6. 600wMediGreenGrower

    is it time to harvest?

    general rule of thumb indicas 8-9 weeks sative 9-16wks it looks like u need another 2weeks to me, good luck.
  7. 600wMediGreenGrower

    bud rot?!? a week from harvest

    either chop it now, or get the humidity as low as possible and water spearingly, keep a good curculation of air 24/7 until u cut down, keep a close eye, good luck.
  8. 600wMediGreenGrower

    What the... BALLS at 3 weeks!

    deffinetly male sorry, what a bummer, its happened to me a fiew times, im at the same stage myself , only just flipped to 12/12 so hoping i get better luck, again, sorry.
  9. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Does anyone know if the following strains like to be topped?

    u can top any strain m8, but remember topping will put a little strain upon the plant so if she is already stressed then wait until u think shes ready then top away, i always top my plants once at around week 4 before flipping to 12/12.
  10. 600wMediGreenGrower

    will these lights work for veg

    yes it will deffo work but try and get a warm white bulb in there. i use 4 18w cfl'z to veg mine, 2 warm and 2 cool white. i use them for the first 2-3 weeks and i always get banging plants m8. any1 who telz u different doesnt kno theyr shite:bigjoint:
  11. 600wMediGreenGrower

    grow box please help

    4ft x 4ft x 6ft if u have the space, a 4inch intake at the bottom and a 6inch outake at the top(oposite sides) that will be perfect for 4 plants vegged for 4-5 weeks and if u want to veg a little longer u will still have sufficient space. remember a good tip is to top ur plants at the 4th or 5th...
  12. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Are they dead?

    NO WATER until the plants soil has dried out, thats a classic mistake to try and correct the fault. just lots of light air and patience, if the plant has rooted there is a good chance it will come back, prop it up tho!! gl:bigjoint:
  13. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Are they dead?

    prop them up with a small stake, give them plenty of light and air and leave the top 2inches dry out before next feed. look out for roots at the bottom of the pot, if the plants dont perk up in 2-5 days uve lost them, START AGAIN but not until uve tried to save them, good luck.:eyesmoke:
  14. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Will a male ball turn the rest of the plants hermie during veg??

    i have 8 plants 4 weeks into veg, most of them showing nice signs of female pre-flower, i noticed that 1 is hermie, it has all female pre-flowers with 1 male pre-flower, should i remove it imedietly or leave it there until im 100% sure, im flippin them over to 12/12 later 2day, will i be safe to...
  15. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    awsome outdoor plants!! what strain?
  16. 600wMediGreenGrower

    Best Yielding Strain + rep

    BIGBUD for yeild deffo, grow them babies right and they yeild massive amounts.
  17. 600wMediGreenGrower

    shots of my (hopefully girl) day #16 *pics* what do you guys think

    what strain? mine is day 22 from seed and serprisingly big for 3weeks.
  18. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600 W Coco/Perlite Indoor Blue Venom Grow

    i also am on my fourth grow, my last was bigbud x northenlights and was absolutely slamming!!! as for ur flower date that should be perfect!! have they started showing their pre-flower yet?? as the plant will let u kno by showing u the pre-flower when its ready to be flowered, if u flower...
  19. 600wMediGreenGrower

    600 W Coco/Perlite Indoor Blue Venom Grow

    u have bugs in there somewhere, one of the leaves has been minched on, just keep a very close eye daily on those babies, very nice, look simular to mine.
  20. 600wMediGreenGrower

    did i trim this right???

    i was the same with my first grow, come week 7 i was standing over my plant every other minute with a big sharp scissors lol, i ended up cutting it way to early, 2 weeks infact, the last 2 weeks being the most important!! u r right tho, live and learn. hope u enjoy ur smoke on thanksgiving...