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  1. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Turned Minerva (MD) 180 degrees and got some pictures of her backside before she adjusts: I think Minerva is right at five feet tall, minus about fifteen inches for the bucket... so she's a little under four feet of true height. I think she only had about 3 weeks from the day the seed was...
  2. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    MD#3 is looking good - esp. considering she's isn't fully rooted yet. Did you end up have any issues adjusting the pH to 6 with the hydro formula you got? Oh and you are doing right w/ starting the nutrients low. She won't really start feeding heavily anyway until those roots start forming...
  3. TaoWolf

    (PICS) What is going on here with her old Fan leaves! ++REP

    I'd like to help but honestly you keep assuming you've figured it out as a single, simple deficiency of phosphorous... But it makes no sense to have a simple phosphorous deficiency while in vegetative growth that's severe enough to cause leaves to die while you are using complete nutrients that...
  4. TaoWolf

    A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent

    That's awesome - yeah I got to the thread late and haven't read it from the start... But I always hear about people making their own smoking pieces and seems like the sort of thing I could get into myself (if I could afford it). Going to check out the links and catch up on the full thread...
  5. TaoWolf

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    Hey that's not a bad idea at all! Another reason being that you'd be removing the source of most insect problems (soil) as well by going to hydro for a bit.
  6. TaoWolf

    A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent

    Can you post them here? I'd like to see what a person can make themselves.
  7. TaoWolf

    (PICS) What is going on here with her old Fan leaves! ++REP

    Looks like you might have a little iron deficiency going on there as well...
  8. TaoWolf

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    Die insects. Good luck baja.
  9. TaoWolf

    (PICS) What is going on here with her old Fan leaves! ++REP

    I'm still wondering if you have been supplementing micronutrients since you are using distilled water...
  10. TaoWolf

    How tall do mother plants get?

    The plant (mom) in my avatar picture is about 16 weeks old or so and just a few inches high. You can keep them supper short and small if that is what you need to do. Here's the same plant today, after having just pruned her down again: [My hand is in the picture to show some scale for you -...
  11. TaoWolf

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    Is it crazy that I have never heard a Lil Wayne song? Or does that just mean I'm old and junk? I like those Magnum XXXL hoods - that's what I originally wanted to get but it turned out the craigslist seller I bought a fixture from didn't know he wasn't selling a Magnum and that he had a...
  12. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Yup. Came to the same conclusion myself about less being more when it comes to plant numbers. I doubt I'll ever bother trying to grow more than 2 plants in my little tent again. lol
  13. TaoWolf


    I do wish you luck as well. But shouldn't a big part of breeding should be actively trying to remove hermaphroditic tendencies from plants - and not using hermaphroditic tendencies to facilitate the breeding? I guess I'm a little confused on why are you trying to force hermaphroditism on the...
  14. TaoWolf

    How to Read your Plants?

    Yeah, totally agree. pH and nutrient strength is tied together in the bigger picture (if you alter one you alter the other). So if the goal is to fine-tune anything, one should look at (and understand) what is going on with both. It's why you see so many people pointlessly chasing the pH on a...
  15. TaoWolf

    (PICS) What is going on here with her old Fan leaves! ++REP

    Hope that's the issue (easy fix). lol Update the thread if the problem gets worse or don't resolve?
  16. TaoWolf

    How to Read your Plants?

    That's great info to know. But wanted to add that one can roughly do the same kind of thing by monitoring pH (for those without an EC/TDS meter...) in hydroponic systems. If you know the base pH of your water (usually slightly basic to neutral) and the base pH of your nutrients (almost always...
  17. TaoWolf

    (PICS) What is going on here with her old Fan leaves! ++REP

    So what's the solution and real problem? FF nutrients have more than enough phosphorous for a plant in veg... Have you been majorly under-feeding or something?
  18. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    There would certainly be enough to smoke - and think of all the variety we could share out. Would be cooler than a tatooed cat.
  19. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I was totally blown away by this but I've seen a cannabis plant growing in the sand dunes at the beach (popular local surfing spot) and within sight of the space shuttle launch pads. I'm sure it came from discarded bagseed and it was only about 4" tall, mostly yellow, and wind-torn - but it was...
  20. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Well it's going to be a first try using the soil formula in hydro for me, but Botanicare even puts on their official feeding schedule that you can use the soil version in hydro systems - and I want to try the higher phosphorous formula for the end of flowering. We'll see how it goes. lol Edit -...