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  1. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I wish I had experience using FF (another line I need to try). But with PBP you can use both the hydro and soil formulas in hydroponic systems. I don't know if that means anything in regards to using FF soil nutrients in hydro though... There's a difference in uptake ratios in between soil and...
  2. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Yeah I'm pretty sure the salesman would just rather you buy a $20 bottle of phosphoric acid instead of a $5 one... lol Definitely let me know if you find they are worth the cost compared to GH nutrients. What I'd really like to find is a complete dry, hydro-organic nutrient line. Something...
  3. TaoWolf

    (PICS) What is going on here with her old Fan leaves! ++REP

    Are you using a micro element additive along with the distilled water?
  4. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro: Bloom (hydro formula) for veg and transition with Pure Blend Pro: Bloom (soil formula) during the last half of flowering in the tent. But using GH MaxiBloom (dry) @ 7grams/gallon for the plants/clones in the little cabinet. Do you think you are going to...
  5. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Yup yup - totally agree. Although I think there's too much calcium in the tap water here maybe (it comes from a sandstone aquifer), and that might be giving me some minor issues... or it could be slightly saline. Not sure, but it doesn't impact any of my plants grown in soil at all. It's only my...
  6. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    It's crazy how fast they grow once they take off in DWC isn't it?? I was hoping to fit 4 small plants in the tent this time, don't know what I was thinking now... Minerva alone is taking up over half the tent space and still exploding. It's good I lost 2! I'm using tap water (actually used...
  7. TaoWolf

    (PICS) What is going on here with her old Fan leaves! ++REP

    What nutrients are you using, how old is the plant (is it veg or flowering), are you using tap water or distilled/RO, have you checked pH?
  8. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Thanks man and no apology necessary - just don't want anything to get out of hand between my RIU buddies! Do you have a journal going by the way? I'd love to check it out.
  9. TaoWolf

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    Gotta do what you gotta do to deal with those bugs. What are you going to be upgrading and why are you dumping the AK, WR, and SB? Just looking for variety?
  10. TaoWolf

    A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent

    How much did that one cost after shipping tricka?
  11. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Please don't try to start an argument in my grow journal. Thanks in advance.
  12. TaoWolf

    Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil

    Cuttings or clones are a lot more mature than a seed of course (cuttings are as old as the plant they were taken from). So once you begin growing them, they can begin flowering faster and tend to be able to yield more given the same amount of growing time compared to a seedling. Since a seedling...
  13. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Amen brothers! I've got to put away the 600w once this grow is done due to the heat. No idea what I'm going to do for this summer (besides an outdoor grow). Do you do anything special to keep using the 600w during the summer baja (like adding in a portable a/c)?
  14. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Hey if the cutting had some roots prior to going in the net pot, you can lower the water level a bit to encourage them to grow down and get in the mixture. I usually lower it enough so that only the splashes from the bubbles are hitting the bottom of the net cup enough to keep it wet/damp - but...
  15. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    She leans to the side of sativa from a Haze in her past. SSH+NL#5+Skunk sounds good to me. 2 out of those 3 are favorites of mine already.
  16. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Thanks guys - I'm holding out hope that the MD I have will get those chunky/frosty buds that BKB got on OG MD. That would make me a happy panda. MD only just showed some pistils at the highest nodes - it'll take her a week or so to really get going I'm sure. But damn, the past couple of...
  17. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Edit - Nevermind what I wrote, I should have read you were trying the bending instead of pinching already... just woke up. lol
  18. TaoWolf

    3 questions

    Younger shoots/branches tend to root faster. The older (and more fibrous) branches have a harder time forming roots. My personal experience has been that colas or any dominant meristem will usually root eventually... but a whole lot slower than a young/lower branch will.
  19. TaoWolf


    If you are lazy like me but want to get as much as you can out of the trimmings, try using a fine screen and a little tray to catch the kief. Those cheesy grinders they sell at gas stations have a little screen in them that will work fine (even though they don't grind worth a damn). Dry out...
  20. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    That's a bit of a bummer about the Northern Flame. Are you going to try that strain again? I'll bet the supper cropped MD you have will turn out well - looking awesome.