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  1. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Nice update man. The DWC clone is looking good. For that matter they are all looking good! Oh and yeah that looks like a he. What are you going to do with him?
  2. TaoWolf

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Hey BK - I have to thank you again for MD. I'm a lot more impressed with her than I thought I would be to be honest: She's pretty heat tolerant, tolerant of high nutrient levels, great growth rate, good structure (I love that she was almost exactly as wide as tall at the start of flowering)...
  3. TaoWolf

    Will this improve my vegg and save $$?

    ? A watt is a watt regardless of type of light or anything else. Has nothing to do with efficiency. For efficiency, you'd have to add more into the equation to measure work performed or produced, such as grams per watt for example, using the same amount of watts and compare.
  4. TaoWolf

    Will this improve my vegg and save $$?

    No reason why it shouldn't work fine and save you some money and I seriously doubt you'd really even notice much of a loss in growth. You are planning to have the 600 watts of LEDs running for 12 hours, then have 100 watts of CFLs kick on, LED panels go off, CFLs stay on for 12 hours until the...
  5. TaoWolf

    Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil

    It's really random for me on how long it takes but I'd be thrilled with roots in 10 days... sometimes goes into weeks for me too though even with cuttings taken at the same time and kept in the same conditions. Strain seems to have a lot to do with it... some plants clone easily and others not...
  6. TaoWolf

    Making my own Nutirents , How to get these ingredients?

    You can buy a single product that will have all the micronutrients in it (or just use tap water if it's decent in your area) which would leave you with just needing to furnish NPK (and there are a lot of sources for NPK listed online). Just depends on if you are wanting to provide NPK...
  7. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I stumbled on this website and wanted to pass it on for anyone having any nutrient or pest issues: [Insect and mite pests ] [ Diseases ] [ Nutrient disorders ] [ Nematodes ] It uses sweet potatoes to demonstrate all the different issues you can run into but it's fairly comprehensive and has...
  8. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Yeah that's basically why I dropped doing it the first time... a lot of practical issues. I don't have any way of doing a 45deg angle in my cabinet or tent. Either have to position the camera mostly above or fix up something like a tripod outside the door that I'm sure would get bumped or moved...
  9. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    It depends on how big the net cup is but root growth is a pretty fast process - won't be long at all. Yeah MD is stretching a lot more than I thought she would (width as much as height) but that's fine - I have a bit of space to spare. She's been awesome to grow so far. The Snow White cutting...
  10. TaoWolf

    mychorizae fungi questions.

    You really aren't seeing the color of the fungi spores between the different products. The color you are seeing comes from a carrier agent like clay (the spores are just scattered about and among the clay particles). Different products, different carrier agents, different colors. Really doesn't...
  11. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I looked through about 200 pictures last night trying to find the original... I think it may be lost to mankind.... forever.... :-(
  12. TaoWolf

    Is my plant retarded? (pic)

    Look up 'whorled phyllotaxy' to find more info. It's not a crazily uncommon mutation - but rare'ish.
  13. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Good deal - funnily enough I had literally just found your post and was editing my post to reflect that and we posted at the same time. I'm going to get caught up on it right now. But yeah, looks very promising, no doubt.
  14. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I didn't really even get Athena worked into the screen until the flowering stretch started but want to try it properly next time. Do you have a thread or journal that details everything you did? I'd like to reference how you did things once I'm setting up to do the next grow. Edit to add, I...
  15. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    Minerva (MD1) went through a crazy growth spurt last night and has started popping some pistils out. Too few and small to photograph but the show is about to begin. =D Couple of pictures to show her size now: 21" in height and 26" in width @ time of first pistils - 15 days post-12/12.
  16. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    That's awesome man! I think that's a great way to introduce hydroponics to yourself and you get cool points for using Folger's buckets... Looks great though man - keep me updated and if you have any questions or problems let me know and I'll try to help!
  17. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I remember seeing a thread with those pictures in it before - awesome job on the screen and amazing job with the plant! How long did it take that plant to fill in the screen like that?
  18. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    It's a quick DIY job after I found the screen panel and noticed it was just about the perfect size for trying a mini-SCRoG. Used these little zipties to attach wooden shiskabob stakes to make the legs which are anchored in the hydroton. After adding the last beneficial microbes though I noticed...
  19. TaoWolf

    2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow

    I'm down for any honest work that will allow me to finish a degree (school part-time/work full-time). There are just so many people looking for work here - last hospital that opened up in this area had over 200 applicants for each position. Harsh.