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  1. D

    Have I shorted my strips?

    Well, I cut my losses on it and set the other one up.... That wouldn't turn on either. I didn't have a fuse for the plug when I first hooked these up so stuck a 3 amp one in... I changed the fuse to a 13a one and it came on. Hooked the first build up which I thought I'd blown and it came on...
  2. D

    Have I shorted my strips?

    I know.... I had the driver hooked up to wagos to connect to a previous build, switched on... fine. Then I made the next build and hooked up to the wago that was hooked up to the mains plug.... They were just left out to test the builds.That's how it happened... Sad times
  3. D

    Have I shorted my strips?

  4. D

    Have I shorted my strips?

    Hey, long story short I've just finished build and hooked it up straight to the mains without the driver like a dickhead. They turned on for a milisecond and then went out. Hooked up the driver and now they won't come on. Have I fucked the strips? Thanks
  5. D

    Dinafem, is this a good breeder?

    I meant we could go round in circles talking about it. You're crossing over different paths of logic. That a venture is profitable and therefore the outlay justified, as a financial argument, is not what's in question here and this is the bit you seem to be missing. My point is that the...
  6. D

    Dinafem, is this a good breeder?

    We could go round in circles here. A cut of a good cannabis plant is a cut of a good cannabis plant, and that's all there is to it. If the price is relative to the quality of the product, no cut on earth is worth thousands of times more than another from a keeper quality plant. This is a...
  7. D

    Dinafem, is this a good breeder?

    Selling lots of clones isn't stupid. Paying thousands for one, is.
  8. D

    Cutter’s shifty swapping of led chips

    Wait a minute... If people, including me, are waiting on a reply from @welight give us a chance to get one first before you start calling in the mods
  9. D

    Cutter’s shifty swapping of led chips

    What about my order Mark? Can you process that refund?
  10. D

    Cutter’s shifty swapping of led chips

    Well it's apt timing to see this thread posted at the top of the page. I placed an order with Mark/Cutter @welight on the 15th of May. I was told it would be posted within a couple of days. Anyway, I left it longer because I had another couple of lights to build and was already told that...
  11. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    There are 2 covering a 4x6 area Another ones going in too
  12. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    Hesi Base feed bud. UK yea My light can't go to those numbers... not frim that far away. I think I've got to get within 6 inches to get those figures. What are your umols from a foot away?
  13. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    Sorry mate, 1.6-1.7 isn't the basic feed strength. That's with a boost of P, Ca, and Mg & Amino complex. Then it's back down to 1.0-1.2 Before they perked up, it was 1.0ec of basic feed. They're looking a lot better after the last feed so I'll do it again but this time with the added P and then...
  14. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    What is 25'000 lux converted to umol? I night be wrong, that's just from the waveform calculator
  15. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    I know, it does. I usually go no higher than 1.0-1.2ec in coco and have advised that for a long time. But my last feed was 1.5 with the extra cal and mag added... plus the amino complex adds 0.1 ec across the board. If I add the Phosphate It'll be the same feed plus that added. Forgot to add I...
  16. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    So, what I've done since we spoke last... Flushed them through with a 3-4-5 flower feed plus chelated cacium, epsom salts, and some amino acids. I've just got some super phosphate now to bring that up as well. Turned the fan heater on and set it at 24c, then 22... it's not coming on at 22c...
  17. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    Hey dude.. thought I'd post some pics of my plants .. hope you don't mind. Excuse the crappy lighting...I'll get better ones later
  18. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    Nice mate. What's your medium and feeding schedule/strength Mo?
  19. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    Hmm, but then I'm losing the form factor of the LED fixtures, which is one of their main strengths. Ideally I want to get my lights to perform better in veg. I'm thinking it might be better to use a different colour temp with Reds which are switched on in flower.
  20. D

    modular overkill led striplight build

    I took this from a thread with some decent info in it. I won't clog up this one any further. I'll start another thread where we can gather together examples of these issues and how/if people solved them