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  1. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Thanks very much bud. Will I get a tracking number? What service do you use? Back in work now so I'll need to know when to be in. Nice one
  2. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Can anyone help me on how I connect the 480w driver to the two separate lights? Can I split them nearer to the light fittings or do I have to run two whole lengths of cable to each one?
  3. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    There's still a couple more to do but I'm waiting on my stuff from Cutter now and haven't heard back from @welight Does anyone know a reliable way to get hold of him? Tried several email addresses and msgs on the site Mark, if you're reading this, hit me up with a pm dude and let me know...
  4. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    So this is what I came out with, plus the other one which was done first. So that's the last four of them. I've got loads of other pictures which I'll upload asap, they're on a card which I can't put into this pc. I'll probably start another thred which bits of stuff which I've learned as...
  5. D

    New year, new grow room, new lights, new everything

    How many watts total brother?
  6. D

    New year, new grow room, new lights, new everything

    Very nice What was the rough gpw figure from that run, seth?
  7. D

    Lighting screw up! What should I do!

    If this ever happens just Give the plants the full 12hr dark then knock off the hours from the following daylight schedule. Personally I wouldn't let the lights come back on early during a flower cycle if I could help it. Leave them off for the full 12 then set your hours back as they were
  8. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Quick update... I finished up building number 3, 4 and 5 the other day.... I'll get the pics up tomorrow after work I'm just waiting on the stuff from @welight now and I'll be done with the building..... for now One question I have is, I got the 480 driver out of the box the other day and...
  9. D

    Pontentiometer question

    Good to know. I'm about to hook up my AB drivers and wanted to know if I could be shocked by touching the exposed metal of the potentiometer
  10. D

    I am ready to be amazed!

    Brother, something went wrong during that flower cycle and it looks to me like your plants re-vegged. Those buds aren't foxtailed they're just not done. Something's gone really wrong at some point during that cycle. Did you have a fuck up with the timer at any point?
  11. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Ok buddies I've hit a Dilemma... I'm waiting on an order of Bxeb which I've been told isn't coming for another month because it was out of stock when I ordered it. Which leaves me with a driver spare. I can get some Q series strips now but they run at 21.9v Will I be able to run them off the...
  12. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Thanks brother Nice one bud Yea, I accidentally deleted the one picture I had of it lit up which didn't blind the lens. Just finished the third one before. Gonna hook that up tomorrow and then I've got my 1m strip builds to do and then I'm just waiting on the Cutter stuff to come over
  13. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Too right. Really enjoying it
  14. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    I need to know before I connect this second fitting though whether this is the right way to run these in series parallel Have a look for me and let me know
  15. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    So I'm now done with the First and second build.... This is the second one. It's different dimensions to the first... it's 60cm x 1m and there will be two of these powered by a 480w driver I've slightly staggered this one so I can go through the holes in the actual strips with the hook up...
  16. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Quick connect on the driver Ready Set Go
  17. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Ok..... after 16 pages of teasing... it's time for the strip show... Strips I'm using.. All laid down and put together with 16mm m4 nuts and bolts Strips down Closer look Ready to wire up All of them hooked up There she is
  18. D

    Quick connector fittings

    Sweet. I'll smash up my lawnmower now
  19. D

    Quick connector fittings

    Just found two of these in my toolbox Lighting connector I could use these with the splitter @Airwalker16 linked right?