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  1. D

    Quick connector fittings

    Have a look at these.. Connectors watch the short video and tell me what you think. Airwalker, do these work the same as the ones you linked?
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    Quick connector fittings

  3. D

    Quick connector fittings

    Hey, two simple questions - First off, what connectors can I use to quickly connect and disconnect an LED light fitting? Second, what can I use as a quick connect splitter to run two lights off one driver but be able to quickly separate them? I'm spending ages looking for "splitter" "quick...
  4. D

    lights, camera, procrastination.

    What you using for them mate?
  5. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Sorry dude I meant if I could see it by eye. Should have made that clear. Could I use a voltage meter to check these things? If so, would I connect the pos and neg of the two `slave` ends to the meter to measure the V drop?
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    Guide me to the Light....

    Oh I thought you were asking for @cobshopgrow advice because you weren't sure if it'd work ok this way. I'll try it this way because it seems the neatest way to do it by far. But the question I have is; how will I know if the voltage has dropped, and by how much? Thanks man
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    Guide me to the Light....

    Thanks very much for your input cob. Have a look again at the picture in post #281 Just so there's no confusion, the series strips are connecting to the strips below with a jumper wire, NOT a wago. The Orange colour is just a wire which connects the spare + to the + of the strip...
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    Guide me to the Light....

    I was gonna ask about voltage drop because of the connections from strip to strip. So, we're sure this way works, or you wanna wait for @cobshopgrow to chime in?
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    Guide me to the Light....

    I should have said ignore the driver on the left. Orange wires are making series in the middle, and then linking parallel from the spare slots to the one below. Is that kind of what you mean?
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    Guide me to the Light....

    @Rocket Soul You mean like this
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    Guide me to the Light....

    Nope, I already know that won't work
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    Guide me to the Light....

    Have a look at this
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    Guide me to the Light....

    Ah... I see what you mean. Let me do a squiggle to see if I've got it.. Have a look at this first and see if I've wired this right. The orange is the jumper cable which makes the series
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    Guide me to the Light....

    That's impressive
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    Guide me to the Light....

    I'm connecting 24 Bridgelux gen 3 two footers to a 320w driver Double sets
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    Guide me to the Light....

    First let me say, those are some beautiful lines brother. And yea that's it. That was my initial idea of how to do it. I just wanted to be sure before I started sticking things where they shouldn't go. Been a life saver this place. And LedGardener. Surprised about how little some of the...
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    Guide me to the Light....

    A better way to phrase the question might be: Have I created a parallel connection by connecting all the positives and negatives on the left side, or do I need to connect them on the right side to create a loop? Thanks again dude
  18. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Thanks man. So, do I have to link them at the right hand side? See where the number 2 is... do I connect anything at that end or is it enough for me to connect the pos and neg at the left side, then connect the strips with a jumper?
  19. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    Yea brother 5 ways. Got a load of them. Thanks again for the help man. Everyone. Finish line's in sight now. I've had so much on recently and I can finally focus on these builds. Really can't wait to put my full time into it all again.
  20. D

    Guide me to the Light....

    So look at this next pic and tell me what options I have for wago 1 & 2. If I run this way, must I then connect all negatives on the right side, all positives on the left side, and then connect + and - of joining strips?