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  1. oldtimer54

    Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

    I know it's a terrible situation but you just need to figure out a comfortable resolution. You already know the way the neighbors are......take away the problems they have and if that doesn't make things any better then you'll know they're assholes and have nothing better to do than complain and...
  2. oldtimer54

    Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

    If you grow and you're not in a legal state. Mind your manners you do not want to cause yourself any problems brought on by your need for revenge. If you don't own the house move and this time find a place with fewer neighbors and rats and more privacy and possibly a moat. My neighbors are family !
  3. oldtimer54

    What is ur most memorable sexual experience

    I've been married to the same woman since 1977 . Dated her for 3 years prior . We've been enjoying each other for almost 40 years ...I would eat easter dinner out of my wife's ass crack and then wear her ass as a hat......Needless to say I'm a ass man can't get enough. As my man sir-mix-alot...
  4. oldtimer54

    Found a stream!

    I personally wouldn't grow in a clay based soil......but if you're willing to do a little extra work you can remove the clay and put your soil in and give it a try......but you need to realize that a good rain may raise the level of the stream and wash away your work. I'd back off the creek a...
  5. oldtimer54

    Found a stream!

    Some of the best plants I've ever seen were planted on the creek bank with very little prep done to the native luck growing on creeks has not been good. .....I usually try to find locations where water is readily available and choose my spot based on sun exposure and haul my water to...
  6. oldtimer54

    Hair drug test

    I did a hair follicle test about a year ago February . I had an accident at work and was asked to take the test because of company policy. They sprung the test on me unexpectedly and only gave 24 hours to have test.I knew that I would test positive daily smoker and occasional snorter. I quickly...
  7. oldtimer54

    Are you a lumbersexual?

    Around my neck of the woods we just call them Assholes !
  8. oldtimer54

    My house. Is it dirty? Be honest please...

    Have you dismembered anybody with a chainsaw lately if you have it could be both......but anyway check into renting a Stanley Steamer Carpet Cleaner it does wonders with pesky DNA evidence !
  9. oldtimer54

    My house. Is it dirty? Be honest please...

    Is that blood on the carpet ?
  10. oldtimer54

    Chimney exhaust

    I saw an episode of Holmes on Homes and he helped this lady who owned a house somewhere in Canada and had rented it out. The person she rented to was a large scale grower but he got busted as Holmes was going thru the house I noticed how the exhaust from the grow rooms were all vented to the...
  11. oldtimer54

    You can't trust anybody

    Just a thought......wonder if the dude just died of natural causes behind the wheel Until they find a note or a reason to believe the suicide theory we'll never know....! One thing for sure the airline is going to pay out some money regardless of what happened . Just another reason I don't fly...
  12. oldtimer54

    Best Place to Volunteer?

    Many years ago I volunteered to take an elderly black Lady to the grocery store. She had knocked on my door and asked if I could give ( her ) a ride....I knew her from the area. I told her I'd be happy to I just needed a few minutes . I put my shoes on and went outside towards my vehicle and...
  13. oldtimer54

    How were you as a student.

    I was the guy who never studied and rarely did homework. I didn't take books home and always did well and I had numerous conversations with teachers about " how good I could be If I only applied myself" and I was also the class clown !
  14. oldtimer54

    Do you like Richard Pryor?

    Listen to the album "Is it something I said" Mud bone is hilarious Now I'm gonna go dig out my old LP's and find my Richard Pryor albums..!
  15. oldtimer54

    the sandwich game

    Prilosec for my friend see4
  16. oldtimer54

    corrupt-a-wish game

    Your wish is my command your hovel is now covered in a new slate roof but 24 hours later. Your house is destroyed in a 10.0 earthquake and you are buried under a pile of new roof slates and it's raining again ! I wish the History Channel would take Appalachian Outlaws off the air and replace...
  17. oldtimer54

    it is national asshole awareness day

    This thread needs an enema !
  18. oldtimer54

    What do you recycle?

    I live out in the sticks we have no trash pick up.....around here the county gubment has small collection sites . Fortunately there is one about 7 miles from home .I go there aproximatly once per week and put my recyclables in the proper containers but my closest neighbor burns his trash and...
  19. oldtimer54

    Is Obama an Iranian terrorist??

    It's called politics !
  20. oldtimer54

    Guerilla plot selection

    I always liked going out to the prospected grow site and checking out how the light was as the sun traveled thru the sky you'd be surprised at what you miss. Remember the leaves can block out some light as the trees fill out if your in the edge of the tree line and always be cognizant of what's...