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  1. secro

    A mulch question need answering please.

    - volatile - doesnt that mean they evaporate really quickly ?? i had never considered oils in coffee grounds ....
  2. secro

    Harding off my plant, Need help!

    ok so if they where getting 18/6 and now there going outside for the day (12hrs?) and then inside (in the dark?) the light exposure time has changed - so if you keep doing what your doing you will force your plants to flower, if you take them back inside and keep the lights on them so they are...
  3. secro

    Harding off my plant, Need help!

    ha yeah i dont post on forums on much - but ive been lurking for a while - personally been growing for 15 yrs i dont know if qualifies me as an "expert" - but ill try and help - plants respire, that is they breath, if you just sit your plant in a still environment with no air circulation co2 and...
  4. secro

    Harding off my plant, Need help!

    what are the max and min temps outside ? i have taken plants in and out to get a head start on flowering no probs, just make sure you have ventilation happening
  5. secro

    A mulch question need answering please.

    USED coffee grounds are not acidic at all - they are in fact about ph neutral and are a great idea as a compost activator and for nitrogen he's got one pot plant how many vermin are going to be stowed away in his six inches of pea straw or whatever ... lolz
  6. secro


    i use it for all my growth (soil) for about the past 10yrs and personally I think that if you add it right up to harvest it sweetens - it definitely changes flavour and adds bulk . P and K are are in molasses and its these that make the plant metabolise carbs/sugars, so the more P, K and...
  7. secro

    mineral suplementation?

    i know from experience that most soils in outdoor situations are almost always calcium deficient - since calcium is the main compound assisting plants in accessing and transporting nutrients it is almost always best to add calcium to your soil i use powdered oyster shell. The soft rock phosphate...
  8. secro

    Which Vaporizer Should I go for?

    i have had the extreme Q for about a month and its impressed me and friends .... i was VERY cynical at first, and wasn't happy at all for a day or so until I got it properly dialled in, and then, wow, indeed it crushes my mind ! I also find it has forced me to slow down and enjoy the experience...
  9. secro

    Not sure why this is happening? Help?

    my understanding .... they are a great source of nitrogen (up to 2% or so), they do other good things as well like stimulate soil biology the only down fall in my understanding is they dont have much P or K or things like calcium which you need a bit of, and the type of nitrogen the coffee...
  10. secro

    Hydro nutes in soil

    your right there is no point measuring the ec after you put the water through the soil, it should be done before watering, but I wouldn't bother.... if you are using soil that has added nutrients or even just garden soil etc .. and you add full strength hydro solution you will either kill or...
  11. secro

    Good Set up???? (PICTURES)

    do those containers you got your pots sitting in have water in them ?? if so get em out - your plants will rot , especially with the compressed cardboard pots you got - they will wick the water up constantly ......
  12. secro

    As anyone grown top44?

    ya - grew it a few years back - its probably one of the easiest and most forgiving strains ive come across (was my first hydro grow) - is/was one of main commercial strains developed for coffee shops - pretty short bushy (mine did branch out despite what the seedbank said) kinda plant and also...
  13. secro

    calling ALL closet growers ! need tips

    Dehumidifiers use a heat pump (similar to an air conditioner's heat pump) to de-humidify. A heat pump dehumidifier uses a fan to draw indoor air over a heat exchange coil. It returns to the indoor air the heat generated by the dehumidifier - not good for you if your closets already warm ...
  14. secro

    Aussie Outdoor 09' 10'

    melbourne grower here! regarding onine ordering via,, and .... never had any probs and last time i ordered from seedsman i got 50 free durban poison seeds that where there old stock apprently but most germinated fine! buydutchseeds have been...