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  1. TokinSmoke

    Leaf Damage

    i recognize it! its the same problem I'm having! Perhaps Nute burn?
  2. TokinSmoke

    Noobtastic question on watering

    ohhh he said moisture meter! Yay for payday! Going to purchase PH meter, Moisture meter, and soil meter! Maybe then these biotches will grow!
  3. TokinSmoke

    1st time grower

    also seems like perhaps you need to research a bit more. Read the beginners guide and see if that doesnt help your confidence. Start out with an open mind and by your third or fourth grow, you'll be a pro!
  4. TokinSmoke

    Growing tips

    and dayyum! I dont wanna be a 'stranger' no mo lol
  5. TokinSmoke

    Growing tips

    Watch that video on as well...even though my grow was about a month in to the swing, I picked up some great ideas and was able to GREATLY modify my grow room. Definately leaning to hydro for second grow with top seeds now that I can see how simple it is. Best of luck and keep us updated!
  6. TokinSmoke

    temp ranges?

    problem is that even with the daggum space heater...i cant seem to keep the temp up where i would like it...going to work on enclosing the area more instead of heating the entire room.. let ya know
  7. TokinSmoke

    How do they look?

    Not to be critical..your plants look great! Do the three of the four plants look pale? Or was that just the light from the camera flash? I'm reading that pale green like that could indicate a N deficiency.
  8. TokinSmoke

    does anyone kno

    you can get a whole 400 watt HPS set up for just shy of 120 bucks. Do a search for High Tech Garden Supply in Pennsylvania.
  9. TokinSmoke

    two questions

    root damage is definately a possibility...Maybe just the shock of being moved? Watch over them the next couple of days and see if they dont perk right up. I just transplanted several plants and got a bit of sad droop but theys perking right on up now!
  10. TokinSmoke

    temp ranges?

    Thanks bud...Thats where I seem to be first thing in the am when its really cold outside! Right now, I am about 65! Well hell, maybe the temp changes will more accurately reflect Mommy Nature and make em stronger....?
  11. TokinSmoke

    (pics) Think we found a Hermy!

    ahh there they are! MONSTER pics!
  12. TokinSmoke

    (pics) Think we found a Hermy!

    can he email em to me too so I can see them? lol Are they here?
  13. TokinSmoke

    Indoor Greenhouse

    You been smoking again!?!? ;)
  14. TokinSmoke

    temp ranges?

    lmao! Too funny.... Better bit is....My wife thinks shes hot too ;)
  15. TokinSmoke

    temp ranges?

    bint? whats that stand for? And to answer....just my dream date from a local club!
  16. TokinSmoke

    Cfl Grow - Pictures Pictures Please

    what am I thinking? Those pics aren't on my work computer! lmao tonight my friend, tonight...Get one at least for the flouro world to see lol
  17. TokinSmoke

    two questions

    Didnt they used to make you take the handles off of those things cause kids would get locked in and suffocate?? Doesnt sound like the best air enriched environment to me? Am I misunderstanding that you want to grow your plants in a fridge?
  18. TokinSmoke

    temp ranges?

    I guess what I am asking cold is too cold? Lowest Ive seen my gauge dip is about 45 degrees with the heater blowing right on the plants. My 400W HPS is on the way..Will that help warm my grow room any appreciable amount? I think I am losing heat through the ceiling and hope I can...
  19. TokinSmoke

    temp ranges?

    whats the max cold side I can go in F? Having a hard time keeping my uninsulated grow room warm enough at night.
  20. TokinSmoke

    What did U do for New Years?

    Nothing like potting seeds on the first day of the year!