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  1. Gregshed

    HPS vs. LED Grow Lights — Which is Better for Growing Weed?

    Sorry not an argument, most of what he said seems debatable, I wouldn't think changing a bulb a hassle etc. I own one of their lights they work great, someone likes sodiums well they work too I'm happy just a little taken back they thought to use monochromatic in their take down of HPS.
  2. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    No leaves can access air without wind, the heat from the leaf, light will all drive currents and the fan move it more. Stems do not thicken from wind they thicken from bending which we don't do. It's a bit of a lie so ignore it, thick stems come from well grown plants needing lots of water...
  3. Gregshed

    HPS vs. LED Grow Lights — Which is Better for Growing Weed?

    But then it emits ir and blue, green and others. It's nowhere near monochromatic but if you mean LED semantics then ok.
  4. Gregshed

    HPS vs. LED Grow Lights — Which is Better for Growing Weed?

    Monochromatic, sounds a little over the top.
  5. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Plants don't need fans, the environment might.
  6. Gregshed

    HPS vs. LED Grow Lights — Which is Better for Growing Weed?

    'monochromatic warm yellow patterns that have a correlated color temperature of 2200K' ??????
  7. Gregshed

    Northern Lights Auto prep

    Autos will be the same, Coco isn't a good mix for a good soil. Try one or the other, if you mix it's more like a soil not Coco. Nice plants.
  8. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    I don't think it matters but I run my exhaust 24 hours. If I shut of my exhaust I would get too much moisture build up in my tent but yours isn't going to do that so should be ok just for lights on. Most fans are so low wattage they don't cost anything to leave on.
  9. Gregshed

    WTF? Same seed packet, 3 different looking plants. Normal?

    I see, I prefer they pheno hunt then I'll select the best growing but guess some like to hunt away. Are they cheaper since they aren't a stable strain and hard to breed off?
  10. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Fingers crossed it perks up then.
  11. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    They label it as a super soil so it should be choc full of fertilizer and work well.
  12. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Avoid miracle grow and time release soils. They use balls of fertilizer which steadily release based on temperature and waterings. It's always been known it doesn't suit our style of growing very well. Some use it with good results but mine feed for a month then need feeding, much easier. You...
  13. Gregshed

    WTF? Same seed packet, 3 different looking plants. Normal?

    Is it lazy selling F2's etc, can't they go through all the variants and just sell me the stable strains from them. Trying to think of a reason I would want a pack of mixed results.
  14. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    There's a lot on using a weaker soil for seedlings but I just use one soil the whole grow, seedlings veg and flower. Most seedling soils are finer for better rooting, they still seem the same strength as a normal soil. I'm with those who can grow a seedling in a strong soil, if it's too much...
  15. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    If your repotting no fertilizer but if just watering a half strength might help it rebound. Soil is soil to me, most are very similar. People rave on about CoM soil, organic, amended and good for mj so yes it should be good for the rest of veg and flower. You have everything now just practice...
  16. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    I feel you have learnt everything, overwatering is terrible, if it wasnt for that you would have so much more growth. I'd be inclined to give it a half strength fertilizer next watering. But overall you see how easy soil is, use the regular soul not seedling.
  17. Gregshed


    I don't care if boob is offensive, it's the reason I started growing. Now excuse me I'm of to rape and be verbally abusive to one of my flowering plants.
  18. Gregshed


    Where the fuck are all these boob pics, no one's hating boob except small boobed women!
  19. Gregshed


    Swore that said boob but my autocorrect seems to prefer boon pics. Well I never!