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  1. FreshOffTheCut

    Tap Water

    I see so many mixed reviews about tap water. I'm growing in FF Ocean Forest and my tap ppm read comes out to about 20-23. Is it fine to pour straight from the faucet or should I be leaving it out for a full 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate?
  2. FreshOffTheCut

    Droopy leaves - Transplant

    For sure, thank you for the advice.
  3. FreshOffTheCut

    Droopy leaves - Transplant

    I gave it a light watering just around where the roots would be in the middle. Should the whole medium be saturated?
  4. FreshOffTheCut

    Droopy leaves - Transplant

    I just transplanted my clones yesterday, is this typical for the leaves to droop for a few days before acclimate to their new envirenvironment? Medium - Ocean Forest Light - Mars Hydro TS1000
  5. FreshOffTheCut

    [2nd Grow]

    Question though, with the Mars Hyrdo TS1000, it says on the reference guide to have the light 12" from canopy at 25% dim for seedling and clone and 12" at 75% dim for veg. Is the stage from the pics in the first post considered a clone still or is this the beginning stages of veg?
  6. FreshOffTheCut

    [2nd Grow]

    I know! I've been watching more videos and reading on growing, she still had a few more weeks :roll: hairs were only about 50% amber. This time I'll hopefully do better.
  7. FreshOffTheCut

    [2nd Grow]

    Produced quite a bit though :grin:
  8. FreshOffTheCut

    [2nd Grow]

    I messed up the drying process. Cut the whole plant, hung upside down in the tent with no light, but I had one fan inside blowing 24/7 and intaking air from a fan outside the tent. Dried within 48 hours and had the dreaded "hay" smell you hear about in all the growing videos. it wasnt bad but...
  9. FreshOffTheCut

    [2nd Grow]

    Thanks fam :peace:
  10. FreshOffTheCut

    [2nd Grow]

    Howdy everyone. I'm diving into my second grow :weed: Last one was doing nicely, then I fucked up the drying process.... So hopefully this one can go smoother. Growing Blue Lemonine & Pineapple Breeze. Starting them off as clones from the club. My set up is a 2.5' x 2.5' x 5' tent, (1) Mars...
  11. FreshOffTheCut

    Need help

    Lol, for sure. I use straight tap water that's left out a minimum of 24 hours. Idk if it would be considered a hard flush, but the moisture in the soil now is from watering till run off was pretty significant 2x back to back. I'll read up on the nutes you suggested. I know all of you have been...
  12. FreshOffTheCut

    Need help

    The extra perlite is a good idea cuz its retaining water significantly lol. For sure though I'll check out your stuff. Do either of you suggest restarting or continuing with this grow?
  13. FreshOffTheCut

    Need help

    That's what I was thinking... suggest restarting or continuing? And trust me I read and watch videos constantly and everyone has their own opinion on things which makes it hard for me to come to a conclusion on the routes to take...
  14. FreshOffTheCut

    Need help

    The ppm was at 1150 when I first watered after transplant so I ran water through 2 times in 1 watering to try to bring it down. Maybe I'm doing all this wrong but I'm new to this lol.
  15. FreshOffTheCut

    Need help

    I havent been PHing because everywhere I've been reading, it's been saying super soils like this you don't need to PH. I tested the run off last watering and ppm is at 850, ph is around 7.
  16. FreshOffTheCut

    Need help

    Hey guys so I started my first grow from seed. The last one was from clone and came out alright, not super amazing but not bad. I started with 2 plants and lost one, it's roots weirdly grew straight down in the small pots I had them started in and root bound in a perfect circle at the bottom...
  17. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    Day #17: Tossing Her :-( Well I went ahead and transplanted them in their next container and the small one I don't think will make it. When removing it from the smaller container, it seemed like it wasn't growing because the roots grew straight down and became root bound almost in a perfect...
  18. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    Day #11: Signs of Deficiancy?? I won't be posting as much as I have been once things are better under control. Again, first time from seedling so I'm still learning. I can tell from other pictures and the pinned thread in the newbie sections that these girls are stretching quite a bit. I'm...
  19. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    No problem, I can always do a soil test I've seen in videos for that part of it. Can't test ppm/ph of run off cuz I haven't watered them enough for there to be run off in this stage. THANK YOU for the suggestion on the ppfd app, saves me from having to buy a par meter lol. It's sitting at about...
  20. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    For sure ill look into the foliar feed. Last grow I was able to lift the pots that the clones were in and determine whether they needed water or not plus the leaves drooping, but this is my first seed grow so I'm still judging the appropriate times in this early stage.