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  1. FreshOffTheCut

    How many more weeks you think?

    As far as them being under fed I give them half of the recommended from fox farm. I can try upping it and see if it makes a difference but hopefully they aren't dying.... cuz quite a few leaves look yellow
  2. FreshOffTheCut

    How many more weeks you think?

    This is the newest pic from yesterday. I really should've watered them then but apparently waited 1 day too long.
  3. FreshOffTheCut

    How many more weeks you think?

    I also went 1 or 2 days too long without watering and thats why I think the leaves have started yellowing so much. Or it's the plants life cycle and they're starting to die? I honestly don't know but was leaning more on the side of 1 or 2 days too long without water.
  4. FreshOffTheCut

    How many more weeks you think?

    So I'm about at 2 months of flowering now and just wanted an opinion on how long till they're ready? I'm noticing little to no white hairs on most bud sights but the main tops are still having some prominent white hairs but only a couple per budding. If the rest of the plant looks ready before...
  5. FreshOffTheCut

    Flowering Update

    Tbh I'm not sure. I'm using ff happy frog soil and ff trio for nutes. This is only the second time during the whole grow I've given them 2ml or so of cal mag. But yeahh they seem to be fine even with a little burnt tips.
  6. FreshOffTheCut

    Flowering Update

    Having trouble trouble images lol hopefully this one works.
  7. FreshOffTheCut

    Flowering Update

    Hey guys! I'm so happy how this first grow is turning out. Most of the fan leaf tips are slightly burnt but im not too worried being closer to harvest. I know I'm still close to a month out from harvest, but they look great imo. I was having some dark spot issues on some leaves so I gave them a...
  8. FreshOffTheCut

    Is this flowering?

    I wondered the same thing. I'm nearing the end of my first grow and though all of those new leaves were just that, new leaves. You'll notice buds sprouting from the middle of those though in the next coming weeks :cool:
  9. FreshOffTheCut

    Starting to yellow leaves, brown spots

    It's actually getting worse. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Would adding calmag to my feed help at all?
  10. FreshOffTheCut

    Starting to yellow leaves, brown spots

    Also, what could be causing the brown spots? I just looked em over again and it seems more leaves are producing those brown spots like in pic #1 on the top right of that leaf in the pic. They're developing them in the middle of leaves. Not significantly but I did see a few new spots.
  11. FreshOffTheCut

    Starting to yellow leaves, brown spots

    Yeah I havent been doing anything differently as far as feeding schedule, changing environment, or anything. Pretty much the only difference was introducing the the other 2 nutrients from the ff trio. But for sure, I'm excited to see the next coming weeks for the girls :):)
  12. FreshOffTheCut

    Starting to yellow leaves, brown spots

    For sure i won't stress too much. Do you know if the buds will get much fatter than they are now? Cuz if not they're like maybe 2 gram nuts for the colas lol
  13. FreshOffTheCut

    Starting to yellow leaves, brown spots

    I'm at about a month right now. I'm using the fox farm trio. I usually do 10ml of each because it wants 15ml of the grow big, 10ml of big bloom, and 10 ml of tiger bloom per gallon so I figured if I did 10ml of each over a span of 2 gallons I would be cutting the suggested amount in half and I'd...
  14. FreshOffTheCut

    Starting to yellow leaves, brown spots

    The other thing I thought was that maybe the light was too close cuz I had it about 12" so I moved it up to about 20" away from the top canopy now. Idk if it will make a difference but ill check tomorrow after they eat up some of the nutes I just gave them.
  15. FreshOffTheCut

    Starting to yellow leaves, brown spots

    So I've noticed that some of my girls leaves are starting to turn a yellowish color with brown spots forming. Basically I posted about a week ago saying the tips were starting to burn so 2 people suggested just watering with no feed twice then get back on a normal schedule. I watered them twice...
  16. FreshOffTheCut

    Plant training week 2 of veg, advise

    But I've seen some amazing photos of what lst can do. Make a plant look like a highway of branches going outward. Quite impressive that the plants can do that imo :razz::razz:
  17. FreshOffTheCut

    Plant training week 2 of veg, advise

    I'm still on my first grow, I started with 2 clones and tried doing some lst but wasn't very successful. I was super scared of hurting the plant but now being in 3 weeks of flowering I see what it would've done and how beneficial it would've been if i would've done it. When I was trying to...
  18. FreshOffTheCut

    Downward Curling Leaf Tips

    For sure thanks for input. Do you guys know what could be causing the ph lockout when im adding the nutrients together? It's in the last part of my initial post.
  19. FreshOffTheCut

    Downward Curling Leaf Tips

    So my girls have been doing EXCELLENT up till this point. They're in FF Happy Frog soil. I have been giving them the fox farm trio they're whole life span with no other nutes. I give them a feed every other watering and it's down to needing to be fed/watered every 3 to 4 days. I have a mars...
  20. FreshOffTheCut

    Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants? New grower (pics inside) Thank you!

    Gotcha. I'm noticing a lot of people growing in coco mixes, is it better than soil? Are there more benefits compared to soil?