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  1. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    I have heard 8in for seedlings as well as 24in. Right now I have the lights at about 14in from the tops of the sprouts. Is there really a right distance for this stage or just making sure they don't stretch for the light too much? As far as watering I'm just spraying about every other day with...
  2. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    Day #9: Continuing to thrive Goodmorning! Just a short follow up to the last post. The seed that I thought would struggle is actually thriving the most which is interesting. Don't understand why it's growing at a faster pace than the other one. But they're first 2 leaves are starting to grow and...
  3. FreshOffTheCut


    Sorry to piggy back on this post, but is this a similar thing ie. salt build up? I noticed my last grow had it on the sides of the fabric pots so I went with plastic this time for that reason and it's already showing similarly to the last grow.
  4. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    For sure, thanks for your input. I was thinking it would be atleast 2 weeks. I'll see how they progress over this next week and a half.
  5. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    -Day #5: Seedlings are about 3 to 4 inches tall now. I've been reading some threads on transplanting seedlings, and it seems most people get the answer to not transplant until they are showing roots. I'm in now way rushing these girls to be transplanted just wanted some info. How do I go about...
  6. FreshOffTheCut

    Grow #2 - Update Thread

    What's up rollitup community. Starting this thread as a way for me to track the process. I germinated and planted these girls on Monday and they're showing some life today. Super excited to do my first seed grow as my last one were clones. :blsmoke:
  7. FreshOffTheCut

    Seedling Humidity

    For sure, thanks guys. Probably gunna start a thread to track the growth of them once sprouted. Appreciate the replies :weed:
  8. FreshOffTheCut

    Seedling Humidity

    Hey guys, back for my second grow. But this time I'm doing it from seed not clone. Question, if I have my rh between 60-70 inside the tent, is the plastic coverings shown in most videos necessary for them to sprout or will my humidifier be enough? Very cheap cost to just buy a plastic dome but...
  9. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    Tbh I'm not ancy at all to chop, I was just worried the way the leaves were looking that it was going to start to take away the quality of the bud. But ill let it go another couple weeks and see how it does. Ill post update pics in about a week
  10. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    But God damn do they smell loud and the stickiness is unreal o_Oo_O washed my hand 4 or 5 times and there's still resin on my hands lol
  11. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    Yeahh thats why I came here to ask and appreciate all of your guys input. I was half way committed to chopping em down today before coming on here
  12. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    I'll post pictures in about a week and see how they take to everything. The buds still look healthy, a lot of the inner growth and mid bud sites have little to no dying leaves. We'll see what happens :wall: :wall: :wall:
  13. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    I trimmed off majority of the dried out leaves. I've got my water sitting. I honestly think I'll give them nutrients today and then start doing just water for the last 2 weeks. I'm half way through week 6.
  14. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    That's what I was saying is that I was about 2 days late to watering. In you're guys opinion should I begin to only do PhD water or continue nutes? Anex suggests flushing, is there any harm doing 1 or 2 more nute feedings?
  15. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    This is January 30th where you can see slight discoloration and them literally 2 days later they began to look like the pics I posted up above.
  16. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    I noted up above that I've been pruning and pulling leaves that were showing any signs of deficiencies while trying to correct them at the same time. Again this isn't a lack of care or attention, it's just my first grow and no matter how much you research you find different answers to everything...
  17. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    If you guys think I should let it go another few weeks what would you suggest? The next 3 watering do just feed instead of the alternating water/feed? Should I removed a majority of the dead foliage? I've been pruning them periodically throughout the grow, they definitely didn't lack care at...
  18. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    Didn't wanna overload the post with information. I've been feeding fox farm trio the whole grow, alternating water and then feeding. Like honestly the plants were SUPER healthy all grow, about a week and a half ago I noticed some spotting on the leaves and upped the feeding to higher increase...
  19. FreshOffTheCut

    Need honest opinion on harvest

    I posted a couple days ago and need to know what a few of you would do in my situation. The plants looked healthy and fine this last weekend and I went a day or 2 without watering on time and the leaves are progressively getting worse. Basically want to know if harvesting now is the smartest...
  20. FreshOffTheCut

    How many more weeks you think?

    I guess I'm actually only 6 weeks in... im getting nervous now if they have another 2 to 3 weeks cuz the leaves were fine yesterday and today were wilting and turning yellow. If it's a deficiency does anyone suggest me upping my feed more? Cuz the tips are getting burnt on almost all the leaves...