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  1. N

    Monster clone update

    Iv just switched 4 to flower dont thing iv cleaned em up nearly enough nor lst enough
  2. N

    Welcome to the late scrog

    Couple more
  3. N

    Welcome to the late scrog

    There not pritty but there mine
  4. N

    Welcome to the late scrog

    Thought id start a little gernal to document what ever this is im doing lol My first grow went fairly well. Started with 4 clones of what i only no as berrys, veged for 4 weeks then flowered for a little over 8 weeks in 20l of biobizz all mix, absolutely no training just fed bio bizz and left...
  5. N

    Can i push them down with scrog

    Im wanting to scrog the monster gals be for i flip there around 65cm tall how low can i put the screen, can i push the screen down on to them then tuck all bud sites through a square
  6. N

    Lets see your reveged monster cropped plant and harvest

    I hoping for big gals bin veged for 2 month now in 50l pots gunna scrog and flip next week
  7. N

    Lets see your reveged monster cropped plant and harvest

    363g whats that dryed a little over 3oz
  8. N

    Lets see your reveged monster cropped plant and harvest

    Was thinking of chucking a net over there about 60cm now my tent is 120 so might have to anyway
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    Lets see your reveged monster cropped plant and harvest

    How long did u veg for and what was the yield
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    Lets see your reveged monster cropped plant and harvest

    Got some reveged ladies about to switch judt looking to see otheres results
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  12. N

    Monster Cropping Increasing Yield

    Got 4 monsters going now think there gunna be big gals
  13. N

    ScrOG tips

    I think its called monster' due to the irregular growth
  14. N

    ScrOG tips

    Monster cropping is when a clone or plant is taken back to veg after flowering
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    ScrOG tips

  16. N

    ScrOG tips

    Ohh shit too high lol sorry oldmaryjane
  17. N

    ScrOG tips

    I was thinking of putting a net over and bending the main over then filling with the side shoots and cleaning up any that dont make the screen. Iv 4 like the 1 in the pic i need to do somthing or they will just shade its self and ill end up with shit loades of larf