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  1. N

    ScrOG tips

    See how dense the growth is theres millions of side shoots so i need to do somthing b4 i flip
  2. N

    ScrOG tips

    Yeah thats what im wanting but being that there monster cropped i dont have the normal Christmas tree shape
  3. N

    Can i just chuck a net over

    Can i just. Chuck a net over 4 monsterbl cropped plants Therebabout 50cm tall no training Can i just go straight down to the lowest branch and tuck all above in to a square
  4. N

    ScrOG tips

    Can i just. Chuck a net over 4 monster cropped plants There about 55cm tall no training Can i just go straight down to the lowest branch and tuck all above in to a square???
  5. N

    Daft topping question

    Yeah i see that good info iv got an auto going at the moment but this was grown from seed so when small lst was applyed. With the otheres being monster crop the side branches are all over the place no real evenness i may chop the tops and tie side branches down or chuck a net over
  6. N

    Daft topping question

    Here they are originally reveged from flower suppose monster clones
  7. N

    Daft topping question

    Sound thanks
  8. N

    Daft topping question

    I have some gals in veg all are about 55cm Can i top all the branches or just the main one
  9. N

    Whats going on here.... repotting question

    I was giveen some massive pots like 45cm wide by 35 high so iv chucked em in see what happens gunna give it a couple of days and flip May have to tie em down when they strech as im in a 180cm tent lol
  10. N

    How to train monsters

    Monkey nutriants full line as per the schedule
  11. N

    How to train monsters

    Pics arnt great with my phone ill try get some better ones 2morra Usually not as droopy as the pics its very cold here at the moment and battaling with cold temps over nite better when lights r on but only 20c. So if i only water when dry with finger test and feeding to the schedule whatbcan i...
  12. N

    How to train monsters

    What makes you say nitrogen toxicity may i ask???? All 4 plants look exactly the same Uniform in colour I dont thing its over watered get a liter every 3 days or so when dry(finger test) Only my second grow Cheers
  13. N

    How to train monsters

    So iv 4 monster cropped girls how do i train them there 50cm right now with heavy thick growth short side branching Im hopeing to repot to 38l pots clean upnthe bottoms train and switch next week Thanks
  14. N

    Whats going on here.... repotting question

    Hi all can any 1 help I got 4 clones that where kept out side last summer but started to flower he then brought them back inside and swiched to 18/4.i have had them about 5 weeks and repotted twice bit now in 20l pots with recycled all mix the roots are thick and coming out of the bottem of...
  15. N

    Just been given some seeds. Can any 1 help

    The skunk is a reg
  16. N

    Any 1 used monkey nutriants

    Hi all I received a free line up from these guys anyb1 used them b4
  17. N

    Help with my gals pls

    I was given some cuts of a strain I recently finished The clones had been taken and routed then put outside and began to flower, they sher then brought back inside and reveged. Dose this make them monster clones???? There growth is very slow without side branching why should this be Thanks
  18. N

    What you think of my set up

    That looks good just the nick I was after too. How's your yeids doing the scrog and tsw2000
  19. N

    What you think of my set up

    What's the set up dog
  20. N

    What you think of my set up

    What light do you have pal