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  1. leels

    my northern light setup

    Was thinking the same thing. I believe the goal is to shoot for 75-85 degrees during your light cycle. You'll want to cool it down a little during your dark cycles, but anything under 65f and above 85f may mess with growth.
  2. leels

    My first grow

    Might just be me, but they look a bit stretched/rangy in the last set of pics. Something to consider.
  3. leels


    You might also try TSSC - Single Seed Centre. Had no problems with my order from them, standard shipping was great. Took them about 8 business days to get me my seeds in the US. All of the seeds I ordered germinated. Bear in mind this is my first seed order ever.
  4. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    Okay, move along then. I can honestly say I took your opinion into consideration, I disagree. You can look at any of a number of forum threads and articles (Subcool, etc.) that tell you to cook a mixture. Using soil with amendments immediately without going through the process of infrequent...
  5. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    Going to add some dolomite and check soil pH, see where things stand.
  6. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    No, I don't think I did. Are you telling me that my mixture FF Ocean Forest, Happy Frog, perlite and worm castings are "prebagged/cooked"? I should skip allowing these mixed ingredients time to settle, skip allowing the microbial flora in the soil time to grow? I may be new to growing bud...
  7. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    So the prevailing wisdom which espouses the use of "cooking/curing/allowing your ingredients to sit" before planting in the mixture is wrong? Pardon my skepticism if I have a hard time believing an open container that is stirred frequently will become an anaerobic microbial culture. My...
  8. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    Allowing microbial flora to grow is the general idea.
  9. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    so you don't let your soil mixtures sit before using it?
  10. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    I'm going to see about picking up some dolomite and adding about 1TBSP per gallon.
  11. leels

    Organic Soil Mix - Feedback?

    12qt bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest 12qt bag of part Happy Frog Organic 1lb organic worm castings 6qts perlite Mixed it up with a gallon of distilled water and I'm going to let it cook for a few weeks. Any suggestions on what else the mix might need? Does anyone have a good mix for freshly...
  12. leels

    Seedlings won't stand up! (HELP!)

    Update: Added a 400w MH/HPS ballast to my grow. I've splinted the plants and started watering them from below. I also gently transferred them to plastic cups. The 400w bulb was a little too hot for my grow space so I added additional fans and swapped out my 400w MH bulb for a 175w MH (10,000...
  13. leels

    Seedlings won't stand up! (HELP!)

    Update: I splinted the plants with toothpicks, watered them with a spray bottle as well. I'm going to be installing a 400w MH light tonight and I backed the CFLs off about 5-6". Fingers crossed! Any suggestions on safe distance for a 400w MH? Thanks!
  14. leels

    Seedlings won't stand up! (HELP!)

    So I should start spraying water in there? I was using a small syringe to apply the water around the base of the plant.
  15. leels

    Seedlings won't stand up! (HELP!)

    I've got 2 AK-48's and 1 Thai. They're directly under 26W 6500k CFL, surrounded by reflective material. I've got a small PC fan to ventilate. Temp is good, I've got them on an 18/6 lighting schedule now. They wilted previously and became extremly thin so I reburied in coco up to just below...
  16. leels

    LED Grow lights or CFL/MH and IR Shield

    I'm trying to figure out whether I should invest in LED growlights or stick with CFLs and a MH setup (have some cheap 400w bulbs) with IR shielding. Stealth is really important to me. I'm just trying to see if the reduced heat/exhaust and power consumption from LEDs would be a better long term...