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  1. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    I just got done adding two mounted light sockets . so i now have 6 26w on top and 2 26w on the sides im going to get the Y socked so i can put 4 on the sides for a total of 260w total. now do i have to switch to all 2700k soft white for flowering?
  2. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    little bit taller today but my nodes that are coming in are not getting enough light they are stuck under the top leaves. love the avatar pic lol
  3. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    why are my leaves not looking like the perfect weed leaf. you can barley see the last 2 leaves and they arent straight. is it because my plant is so compact and bushy i think im going to put the light futur away tonight like 6 inches and see if they stretch
  4. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    great cant wait!!!!
  5. viciousitalia

    First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious

    looking very nice bro. love the way the Bubblelicious looks
  6. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    thanks bro first grow.
  7. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    cool cant wait, you have any idea what you will yield?
  8. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    yeh i kno thats fine i dont care if they are not blue as long as its good quality... is it?
  9. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    bro this is gonna sound very stupid but i have no idea how many nodes i really cant tell. its so short and compact too. but its not to tall rite now mayb 5 or 6 inches max.
  10. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    some pics yesterday i sprayed it with azamax to prevent bugs i also havnt fed the plant in 4 days now. i am going to just water today.
  11. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    lol still looks great bro. i hope mine looks like that i think ill flower on day 40 how tall is your plant i only have about 3 1/2 feen grown box.
  12. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    thanks bro, well i bought it anyways. its also to prevent them so i will use it during flower also when the plant is its weakest. i guess i jumped the gun better safe than sorry you kno.
  13. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    i was thinking day 30 i would flower them and flower them for 40+ days i heard that the cbd count goest up significantly higher if you let it flower more and i want a more mellow high so thats what i want to do.
  14. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    thanks bro can only hope mine looke like urs. urs are looking great. how long did you flower?
  15. viciousitalia

    brown tip? on blue mystic 18 days old

    yes checked under a magnifying glass. i bought some bug shit just incase. azamax. supposed to be the best the guy at my local hydro store said.
  16. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    4-5" but they are super fat and condenced very tight.
  17. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    i kno i deff am, i am also gonna lay off the foliar spray too. ugh so pissed im gonna grab that bug shit anyways. i just hope its not to late and my plants gona die.
  18. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    Im getting mixed reviews i posted another thread asking about it and a lot of people saying nute burn could cause holes in the plant. but ive found like 3 holes and one rip? some on new leafs =( im so mad right now i tried calling out of work so i could watch it all day lol. haha the nursery...
  19. viciousitalia

    brown tip? on blue mystic 18 days old

    that is crazyy bro, i found a couple more holes this morning however.
  20. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    heres an update of the plant but i found some tiny holes and tips of leafs ripped or eating wtf???