First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.


Well-Known Member
i kno i deff am, i am also gonna lay off the foliar spray too. ugh so pissed im gonna grab that bug shit anyways. i just hope its not to late and my plants gona die.


Well-Known Member
Nice, mine are the same height. When are going to kick them into flowering?
i was thinking day 30 i would flower them and flower them for 40+ days i heard that the cbd count goest up significantly higher if you let it flower more and i want a more mellow high so thats what i want to do.


Active Member
My Blue Mystic and BB have the same problem. My holes were not cause by critters, but by nute burn. I changed my water reservoir and lowered the amount of nutes to 5 tsp for 9 gallons. After a week, no more holes. Hopefully this is able to help you. No need to go and buy stuff if you don't need. You have a nice looking plant. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
My Blue Mystic and BB have the same problem. My holes were not cause by critters, but by nute burn. I changed my water reservoir and lowered the amount of nutes to 5 tsp for 9 gallons. After a week, no more holes. Hopefully this is able to help you. No need to go and buy stuff if you don't need. You have a nice looking plant. Keep up the good work.
thanks bro, well i bought it anyways. its also to prevent them so i will use it during flower also when the plant is its weakest. i guess i jumped the gun better safe than sorry you kno.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro can only hope mine looke like urs. urs are looking great. how long did you flower?
It's an auto, so it started flowering at 27 days. Would have been sooner if I hadn't stressed it so much. My girl's been through a lot haha.


Well-Known Member
It's an auto, so it started flowering at 27 days. Would have been sooner if I hadn't stressed it so much. My girl's been through a lot haha.
lol still looks great bro. i hope mine looks like that i think ill flower on day 40 how tall is your plant i only have about 3 1/2 feen grown box.


Well-Known Member
some pics yesterday i sprayed it with azamax to prevent bugs i also havnt fed the plant in 4 days now. i am going to just water today.



Well-Known Member
lol still looks great bro. i hope mine looks like that i think ill flower on day 40 how tall is your plant i only have about 3 1/2 feen grown box.
If your grow box is 3.5ft tall I would say start to flower it when it's a little over a foot tall. I don't have that much vert space so that's why I'm going to go ahead and start flowering mine next week.

How many nodes are on them? Looking very good btw. I'd be interested to know how tall it will be if you do veg it for 40 days.


Well-Known Member
don't be surprised when it looks nothing like the pic on their website, grew 10 of them and none of them turned out like that. Some awesome smoke but advertising gimmick.


Well-Known Member
If your grow box is 3.5ft tall I would say start to flower it when it's a little over a foot tall. I don't have that much vert space so that's why I'm going to go ahead and start flowering mine next week.

How many nodes are on them? Looking very good btw. I'd be interested to know how tall it will be if you do veg it for 40 days.
bro this is gonna sound very stupid but i have no idea how many nodes i really cant tell. its so short and compact too. but its not to tall rite now mayb 5 or 6 inches max.


Well-Known Member
don't be surprised when it looks nothing like the pic on their website, grew 10 of them and none of them turned out like that. Some awesome smoke but advertising gimmick.
yeh i kno thats fine i dont care if they are not blue as long as its good quality... is it?


Well-Known Member
Mine is 9 inches at the highest cola. Again, topping and LST has produced this, so it's not a real representation of the strain. You'll love it when it flowers though. I can't get enough of the smell. It fills my room and leaks into the rest of the apartment.


Well-Known Member
Mine is 9 inches at the highest cola. Again, topping and LST has produced this, so it's not a real representation of the strain. You'll love it when it flowers though. I can't get enough of the smell. It fills my room and leaks into the rest of the apartment.
cool cant wait, you have any idea what you will yield?