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  1. D

    Plant is overwatered! But the soil is now dry?

    Some are yellowed because I flushed and didn't reaply nutes. I run a VPD of 1.2 but thats out the window because they're overwatered. Which is causing my deficiencies. Just need help with this one because its not recovering.
  2. D

    Plant is overwatered! But the soil is now dry?

    More info - im running 2 mars hydro ts1000's at the moment dimmed to around 70% Running average temps of 25°C and humidity of 55% but lowered it to 25% to try and dry them out quicker. Im using liquid nutes and water at a PH of 6.0 I usually try to aim for 10% run off. 4 fans pushing air around...
  3. D

    Plant is overwatered! But the soil is now dry?

    The soil is moist now ONLY on the top inch or two. Should I saturate the pot for the roots? Or just keep letting it dry out. I don't wanna damage the roots too bad
  4. D

    Plant is overwatered! But the soil is now dry?

    Okay so my plant is overwatered. Has been for about 4 days. I checked and theres new root growth, but the soil is dry and its condition hasn't changed. Pot is super light. Super confused. My other plants soil is still moist but have mostly recovered from the overwatering and are fine.
  5. D

    What should my canopy temps be running 2 mars hydro ts1000's

    Im running indica dominant strains. Just wondering what temps they like rootzone and canopy. Been growing for a while just keep hearing different info. I keep trying to dial stuff in but new problems arise.
  6. D

    *Does topping weaken the smoke??

    You probably kept topping too much. A plant can only be topped a MAX of 8 times before it starts to affect yeild. The branches get to small to produce huge buds. Unless you wait for the to get bigger and cut them back a bit.
  7. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    I've been taking good care of the lemon sapphire I'm growing and it seems to be kicking itself back in gear pretty well, im not sure if I topped it too much which causes the buds to be small. This is only my 2nd grow, live and learn haha
  8. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    Agreed on that, I've been putting a ton of fans in my tent to try and combat the mildew I've been doing with. I've seen some more today, any tips, I also have two Dehumidifiers, but I dont got any inline yet. They humidity stays around 45% - 55%
  9. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    Not too much, around the the same p and k and about half as much nitrogen maybe 3/4th less. I dont see a ton of new pistil growth, should I be worried? I have no idea what to expect
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    Burnt pistil hairs?

    I've been cutting down the nitrogen quite a bit and ramping the magnesium phosphate calcium ect up a bit, should I tone it down a bit?
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    Burnt pistil hairs?

    I used one teaspoon in a little one liter spray bottle, it may have been overkill :wall: and they were white before this but I also heard they turn colors after about a week to make way for new pistils, hopefully they can recover
  12. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    I've been trying to, no pollen sacs that I can see I'm in my tent every day hawk eyeing the buds n everything.
  13. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    So I did some looking on my clones that I know they're prone to herm, and this is the closes thing to a pollen sac I could find. But I think it's just the bud formation let me know what you guys think
  14. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    Will do right now
  15. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    My lights were about a foot and a half away, I've raised all lights to about 2 or 3 feet though as of yesterday.
  16. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    Temps are 19°C to 24°C with a humidity of 35%-50% sometime it goes higher I DID spray with some hydrogen peroxide, because I'm dealing with mildew, I've checked and checked, no manners or pollen sacs that ive discovered. I'll show my other plant. As you can see this isnt happening which I...
  17. D

    Burnt pistil hairs?

    Info I'm growing in a 5x5 with two mars hydro TS 1000's and two 600's. I use green planet two part synthetic feeding program, water usually Ph'd to 6.2 In promix HP microizae as soiless substrate. I follow the nute bottles exactly it seems to have been working well but I've noticed on my lemmon...
  18. D

    Help Sexing this please

    Definitely a female
  19. D

    Is this normal?? 5th day of flower and the tops are lime green/yellow

    Have they turned out nice?? Gotta see em!