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  1. bEelzeBosS

    $FUBO should be easy money

    FUBO was already undervalued, and it was just announced after market close that they have exclusive 2022 World Cup streaming rights. In for 100 shares at 21.75.
  2. bEelzeBosS

    Good coco coir brand?

  3. bEelzeBosS

    Good coco coir brand?

    100% pebble grows are hydro with a constant supply of feed cycling through the roots, not the same thing. Like Mick said, if you're using coco and adding pebbles you're just robbing root space like you would be with perlite.
  4. bEelzeBosS

    Good coco coir brand?

    Just out of curiosity, what lead you to believe this? What symptoms did your plants show? I grow in fabric pots so any coco being "too wet for too long" at any stage is never a problem. In fact, I wish it would stay hydrated longer so I didn't have to feed twice/day. I gave up plastics long ago...
  5. bEelzeBosS

    Good coco coir brand?

    Where's this 80% stat coming from? 5 years ago most people thought flushing plants before harvest was the right thing to do as well, so even if 80% of coco growers do use perlite (bullshit) that's not a very good argument. I've been growing exclusively in coco for many years and have...
  6. bEelzeBosS

    Good coco coir brand?

    Canna doesn't "need" perlite, quite the opposite drains and holds oxygen well enough on it's own, adding perlite just robs the roots of space to grow. Quit spreading bad information. JFC :lol:
  7. bEelzeBosS

    Good coco coir brand?

    Lots of brands, but Canna is head and shoulders above the rest. They sell brick as well that is pre-buffered and doesn't need to be washed.
  8. bEelzeBosS


    If growing indoors in coco, 1 gallon is plenty. But I guess in 3 gallon you dont have to feed/water as much...
  9. bEelzeBosS

    How is everyone getting so many plants in small tents?

    I have a 4'x4' tent and used to grow 6 at a time, went down to 4 but yield stayed the same...plants are happier with extra airflow.
  10. bEelzeBosS

    Canna coco

    I dont man, it was a long time ago no need to apologize...I just remembered it when I saw your post and it made me laugh. You're a good dude, I never harbored any ill-will over it.
  11. bEelzeBosS

    Canna coco

    I remember the first time I advised someone against using perlite and going straight coco you laugh-emojied me and it pissed me off lol. Glad you're finally coming around. bongsmilie
  12. bEelzeBosS

    Free tent give away sponsored by Spiderfarmer. 2nd SF1000 with spiderfarmer 2x2 tent grow. This time with fem seeds

    What are your symptoms like? I got it in Dec, and the only symptom I had was being extremely tired. I slept more in a week than I had in probably 3 months prior but other than that I've had colds that made me feel worse.
  13. bEelzeBosS


    Just put it in a shot-glass of clean water for 24 hours and then sow whether it sinks or not. I add a squirt of peroxide to the water, softens the shell quicker. 99.9% success rate for me using this fact, I cannot remember the last time a seed didn't pop for me.
  14. bEelzeBosS

    Canna coco

    You dont need perlite in coco. All it does is rob the roots of space to grow.
  15. bEelzeBosS

    Free tent give away sponsored by Spiderfarmer. 2nd SF1000 with spiderfarmer 2x2 tent grow. This time with fem seeds

    Since we're posting pet pics to try and sway the judging, this is Mahomes. He was so sad after the Superbowl that he chewed up one of my younger plants because my veg tent doesnt zip up anymore. He's getting so fat that I'm thinking about changing his name to Reid. Also, that jug on the floor...
  16. bEelzeBosS

    Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

    "Such stress factors could affect internal phytohormone levels, such as auxin: gibberellin ratios, which could in turn trigger hermaphroditic flower formation in marijuana plants" I saw the word "could" in there a couple times...sounds like an unproven hypothesis to me but is interesting...
  17. bEelzeBosS

    Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

    Condescending much? I didn't take anything out of context, nor attempted to "skew" what you said. I agreed with you...if stress causes a plant to revert/herm, its offspring will way more than likely revert/herm from stress as well. And I never said anything about stress "altering genetics", not...
  18. bEelzeBosS

    Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

    My point was, if his plants are "throwing balls" after he stresses them out, the pollen from those plants is useless. As you said, the offspring from those plants would likely herm under stress as well. however those same traits would be apparent in the offspring irregardless of how the plant...
  19. bEelzeBosS

    Anybody ever try cloning their young “tops”?

    I almost always use my tops for clones, mostly because I hate wasting them. As others have mentioned they typically take a bit longer but the will still root eventually.
  20. bEelzeBosS

    Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

    Stressing your plants in anyway to produce pollen sacks will undoubtedly produce seeds that will be more likely to hermaphrodite if you use that pollen. Genetically superior plants will not herm or "throw balls" no matter how much you stress them. Try growing out some of the seeds you've created...