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    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    so far they look really good though, but your gonna definitely want to up your light for flowering. you lose out on a substantial amount of quality and quantity.
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    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    i have no idea if that is a Lebanese strain or not. and to be honest I cant tell whether a strain is a purple strain or not without the name of the strain. Sorry
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    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    Also no need to keep lights on 24/7 plants need nighttime. Switch to 18/4. Save up some cash and get an hps
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    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    Purple stems can be genetic depending on the strain. if yours is not a purp strain it is most likely a nitrogen deficiency. as for the yellow tips check your ph
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    Is this mold?

    Bump Somebody?:p
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    Is this mold?

    Thanks for the reply. anyone else have an opinion, I'd really appreciate some expert opinions
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    Is this mold?

    Ok, harvested some buds and most of them came out perfect except for one plant i flowered from seed.(I usually only flower clones). I hung it, until it was slightly crispy as i do all my plants, then into brown bags for a couple of days and then into jars with the lids open until the stems make...
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    are you implying that you have never not done it? so are unable to tell if it does? or you haven't really noticed anything different?
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    okay folks, which is best....(yeild)

    Also make sure you have plenty of airstones!
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    okay folks, which is best....(yeild)

    The only thing I had a problem with doing DWC was I ran through a shit ton of water every 7-10 days. I was only doing six plants and ran through 30 gallons a week. It was a pain in the ass emptying and refilling. You use half the water with double the plants in the same amount of time doing it...
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    makes sense. Do you have any exp with giving plants that dark period?
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    thanks for the info but what the fuck are you talking about
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    Lucas formula Ph question

    Putting it at 5.4ph everytime will get you results. Although you need too understand the nutrients and relationships between those. Lucas formula says that nothing more is needed. But understand the nutrients too see whether or not anything is actually needed
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    You make a very good point, where in nature would there be NO sunlight? There would be none, BUT in the fall and winter months natural light gets reduced to about 12 hours of sunlight.(obviously this is what initiates flowering) That is 12 hours of pure, strong, vibrant light. But what if a...
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    I might have to take this into consideration. Only consideration because uncle ben has already talked about night drops in temperature. So I know they are beneficial. He says a good 10-15 degree drop in temperature is good, but I personally dont like dropping it that much. With the lights...
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    That makes sense. I don't have to worry about humidity where I reside. Never really reaches above 60%
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    Thanks for your replies. Im leaning towards the same perspective as you nick. It's a theory that i thought of, but for some reason i feel it would be bad for the plants.
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    Just a theory, what do you think?

    I've seen legitimate resources that say if you give 72 hours of darkness to a plant just before harvest that it puts out more resin glands. Supposedly, its a defense mechanism to ensure survival of the next generation. So my question is, using this theory or logic, would it make sense to...
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    Set me the phack straight(My dry and cure method) and some other ramblings

    thanks for letting me know im at least on the right track. do you use paper bags to compact?