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    4271 in play.

    For non provisioning center owning caregivers this bill gives us the added option of selling to PC's on top of our five patients. It also fixes the issue the edibles, counting only the cannabis in the edible as opposed to the entire edible towards your weight. One thing to realize with this...
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    Simple legal question...

    No only the person to whom the plants are designated is allowed.
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    Simple legal question...

    Exactly. Hopefully the patient let's the caregiver know too.
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    Simple legal question...

    No they can't go inside your secure grow. Only the person to whom the plants are designated may have access. Also once a patient designates their plants to a caregiver they are no longer their plants, but the caregivers plants.
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    2 caregivers one roof?

    No even if you're married you can not grow in the same room. Here's the Michigan's supreme courts ruling in The People vs. Bylsma
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    MMJ Friendly banks?

    The banks can't let you bank with them if you're involved in an federally illegal business because they can loose their FDIC. Also banks have to report anyone who deposits 10k or more in a week and strongly encouraged to report anyone who deposits 2,500 or more at a time.
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    colorado 420 rally....and gunfire? WTF?

    Brothers fight sometimes.
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    Yea that missed call at second sent the bar into an uproar. Horrible call in a big situation.
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    This one hurt. Our defense had been so good this year. 2 errors today plus Miggy misplaced a liner which I thought should have been an error.
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    colorado 420 rally....and gunfire? WTF?

    Now resinhead you know it and we all know it you can't just bust a bong over their head you have to shoot them. The only way to stop violence is with more guns.
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    Let's get it on?

    I'm in the mood.
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    colorado 420 rally....and gunfire? WTF?

    Not all smokers are peaceful people. Some of us are on our toes at all times needing to bring firearms to protect ourselves from all the threats out there. We use our guns to settle disputes and keep the peace.
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    Section 8 protection

    Everything Dr. Bob has said in this thread is exactly what my lawyers have told me and what I've witnessed in court.
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    Here We Go

    Kim is just trying to assert himself as the authority. Obviously one can never say he for sure won't send an ICBM our way but I put it at less than one tenth of one percent chance. It would do him no good. China is already beginning to back off a some in it's support of North Korea because of...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    the constitution is the agreed document by which we legally deem things right or wrong. in my opinion the writers tried to preserve the human spirit in it. preserving under societies law individuals. if that was there intent that doesn't mean they did so perfectly. yes i'm saying it, the...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    It really is tough to draw a line somewhere on what should be allowed and what shouldn't to me. One extreme would be to abolish all law and let everything go. The other would be to put one master in charge to control everybody. We live in between both. There is an ebb and flow to all of it...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    I'm not scared I just wanted to apologize for making you feel the need to reach for your gun or a pic of someone pointing a gun at me. Everyone should feel safe here. Guns are for protection and hunting. Since most people don't hunt humans as far as I'm aware I assume you pulled out the gun...
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    buy weed candy in GR?

    I probably should have made that into separate paragraphs. First thought being I don't consider this site to be neutral or non bias in response to the idea that this site was. Which Potsnob explained was not what he ment. Second thought for Mi MMJ news I like to read the compassion...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    I wasn't trying to threaten you. Didn't mean to scare you into pointing your gun at me.
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Gotta say don't really agree with how Buck slams you personally however, he really does show how weak you're gun argument is.