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  1. S

    buy weed candy in GR?

    I wouldn't categorize this site as neutral or non bias. This site is heavy towards pro marijuana initiatives, research, and legal interpretations. Not that that's a bad thing. I like The Compassion Chronicles,, they have tons of Michigan news as well as...
  2. S

    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Yea assault weapon started as a political term to showcase advance military weaponry around wwii. More of a way to instill fear in enemies. Now it has evolved to being defined in law to create classes of weaponry. It kinda serves a purpose to be able to speak about a specific type of weapon...
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    Legalize michigan take over movement

    I love the enthusiasm but without leadership, or an agenda how are we to move as one. We may have one common agenda of legalization however we are an extremely diverse group. You see all the in fighting just on this forum. Without leadership who will take the initiative to draft legislation...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Grip you're guns a little tighter fellas. A four year old just shot a lady dead in Tennessee.
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    Ask Ed - don't tell him anyting

    You have to wonder if someone's ego is out of control when they anoint themselves the Guru of Ganja.
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Faith in reason
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    michigan genetics

    Have you run the obabinator yet. If so how did it grow. What kinda yield, potency. I have the opportunity to get a cutting.
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    buy weed candy in GR?

    Sweet Stone candy runs from Grand Rapids. They're still going strong.
  9. S

    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Some neighborhoods have more shootings than others. In Grand Rapids we had 8 shootings over a three week span starting right around Christmas, all the shootings where in two neighborhoods. Most of the shootings and violent crimes last year happened in the same two neighborhoods.
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Or I could be selling vacuums.
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    I've been broken into twice, once when I was home. It was scary both times and a bit unnerving for a couple of days but I still feel comfortable at home and leaving my house with nothing more than the doors locked. I often have doors open during nice days when I'm home. People do dumb shit...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    What prevents a normal sane citizen from becoming an attacker.
  13. S

    vent and air scrub

    I push my air through my lights.
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    What if the person making that decision makes a mistake. These are people we are taking about after all.
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Someone told me yesterday it was the hero.
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    Why do you love the good plant?

    I love watching the flow of life. Things grow from the Earth, reproduce, die, and return to the Earth. Smoking the female reproductive organs of sexually frustrated cannabis makes me feel closer to the flow.
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    People are finally catching up with us on this issue

    I want gladstoned heading the DEA.
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    Who decides when it is right to pull the trigger.
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    People are finally catching up with us on this issue