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  1. areoflo2master

    underside of leaves turning blotchy purple 4 1/2 weeks into flowering??

    normal pump up little cal mag :) will be greener
  2. areoflo2master

    Week 10 flower - Tangerine Dream. Extensive new growth.

    im sorry son ! you got to cut it down otherwise your wasting time and money ! bad strain :(
  3. areoflo2master

    Broken Branch

    Cut it off . i world cut all bottom branch . it will make top bigger :)
  4. areoflo2master


    lay off nutes im full :) lol l
  5. areoflo2master

    Yellow and brown leaves

    N and P DEF . what u feeding them ? what kinda media are they in ? more detail
  6. areoflo2master

    Seedlings in rockwool problems save my grow !!

    use tap water . look like cal-mag
  7. areoflo2master

    Taking so long to sprout????

    over water . :(
  8. areoflo2master

    Nute burn or mag def?

    i think so too
  9. areoflo2master

    Mary Jane Medic Needed!

    Picture only way to get answer 100 % right :)
  10. areoflo2master

    Any Advice would help

    lay off cal-mag if ur using cal-mag . if not lay back of nutes . look like nutes burn lock out or too much ..
  11. areoflo2master

    Anyone used Liquid ladybug?

    No problem i work at hydro shop but not anymore . I heard mighty wash is the best ! if repeat 2 a week for 2 weeks . it rip mites aparts . just like how salts kill a snail :)
  12. areoflo2master

    Plant hospital

    I have 3 600 watts cross on 4x8 table 2 hps on outside and 1 mh in center .
  13. areoflo2master

    Plant hospital

    Thanks Did you see the middle fan leaves ? do u have idea why it doing that ? thanks
  14. areoflo2master

    Any Idea ? mn or mg or need more nutes?

    well they are about 26 inches away .
  15. areoflo2master

    Plant hospital

    Dont spray the with water all time . plants trying to tell you they have enough bath lol :)
  16. areoflo2master

    Plant hospital

    Hi Any Idea ? why leaves doing that have anyone have this iussie? room temp 75 water temp 67 humidy 43 ph stay at 5.6 to 5.9 eeb flood table with hydroton in pot . ppm 900 dropped to 750 the next day . any idea plz ?
  17. areoflo2master

    Anyone used Liquid ladybug?

    they only can kills mites eggs not the mature mites. what i do i use azol first to kill all mature then wait 3 days i use liquid ladybug to kill all eggs . do repeat for 3 weeks they will be all gone :) lots work but wroth it :)
  18. areoflo2master

    Any Idea ? mn or mg or need more nutes?

    Any Idea ? why leaves doing that have anyone have this iussie? room temp 75 water temp 67 humidy 43 ph stay at 5.6 to 5.9 eeb flood table with hydroton in pot . ppm 900 dropped to 750 the next day . any idea plz ?
  19. areoflo2master

    CAP ebb and grow failures

    I use Amino Blast and bloomastic it help plants uptake big time . Amino Blast help plants uptake any nutes in waters ..
  20. areoflo2master

    CAP ebb and grow failures

    I use Bonaninace cal/mag plus . dont mesasure the cal/mag/ Use the ppm or tds meter . you want 150 PPM of cal mag. that it . maybe 200 ppm but very rare. :)