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  1. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    damn dude thats deep and this whole shanagins that just happened is my attempt to become educated from a primary source but i have and will continue to read and expand my knowledge but this was just a theoretic question that i guess can only be answer by trying it and bud nogbog that makes a...
  2. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    umm i clearly stated i am a noob to growing MJ so could u pls point out where i said i was your just putting words in my mouth
  3. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    damn wats with everybody being assholes i suggested a theory and i wasnt gunna let the theory die untill it was completely dis-proven and btw i do know what 2700k means
  4. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    and also u told me they were not in the right spectrum but they are 2700k, is that not used to grow MJ. i mean i could be wrong but i havent heard any facts that can help me understand that i am worng(if i am)
  5. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    you did answer my first question and i listen to your suggestion and read some of the stickys and then i read something that conflicted another comment you made and i presented it to you, and now your giving me a prick attitude and acting like a dick what the hell is up with that?
  6. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    i dont know how many times i said i dont want to argue but i definatly mentiuoned it a few times. with that being said, from the little research ive done,yes LITTLE, everything points to incandescents being able to grow a plant. NOW i did not mean to offend you, but you said something that...
  7. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    i just read this in one of the sticky that conflicts your last statement: "What this means is that if you put two lights the same distance from a point, and each light provides N photons per unit area at the point, with two lights you will have 2N photons per unit area at the point. Because...
  8. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    what do u mean by intesity, just curious.(im a grow noob,at least to MJ, so im trying to learn as much as possible as i go along)
  9. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    thats bullshit because if that were true then every body who grow with 23w and 42w cfls would be shit outta luck because those both give off less than 3000 lumen a piece, yet people use multiple 23w cfls and are successful. so either the 3000 lumen minimum is bullshits or lumens add up.(at...
  10. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    im not trying to argue im trying to learn and i did research but every thread i read was just people saying "incandescents suck" but not explaining why, but now i have more info as lil crz said its not the right spectrum thank you for giving me more of a reason rather than just bashing on...
  11. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    why not if you need 3000 lumen minimum for every square foot i could use 3 75w incandescent bulbs to grow one plant. (im not going to do this, im just talking in theory here, i already have my cfl lighting situation set up)
  12. tadamofo

    incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?

    ok so i was looking for my last 42w cfls that i bought and stashed away last week and i found an old pack of 75w incandescent bulbs. i was curious and looked on the box and saw that they give off 1100+ lumens in 2700k which got me wonder why everyone hates incandescent so much. sure they are...
  13. tadamofo

    would this work?

    why would 4 be difficult?
  14. tadamofo

    would this work?

    yes and no... yes you can plug more then 1 light into one outlet but notthe way in yourpic. to make it work just wire it in parallel.... in other words the positive and negative of each light fixture will connect to the plug going into the wall. if this is confusing i could draw it out for...
  15. tadamofo

    My PC Box-pics

    o whoops never mind im a tard isee u said that in ur original post
  16. tadamofo

    My PC Box-pics

    hey just curious how much did you yield on your first grow?
  17. tadamofo

    hmm a major Question....concerning 6500k vs 2700k bulbs

    lolz the bulbs were only available in 2700k the 6500k were not sold at my local store so ya i hope that clears it up a bit
  18. tadamofo

    hmm a major Question....concerning 6500k vs 2700k bulbs

    so i got 2 42w cfl that were 2700k and 2600 lumens would it be possible to veg and flower with these? i know it should be 6500k but i dont have money to buy two sets of bulbs. i will be buying 2 more of these bulbs so will that be possible to veg and flower 1 plant through harvest?
  19. tadamofo

    o shite emergency!!!!!!!!

    she is dead so let this thread die.....
  20. tadamofo

    o shite emergency!!!!!!!!

    well i think im gonna kill it and start two new seed cuz i have very limited space, its sucks to lose something when u get this far in(only 2 weeks but that feels like ages)