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  1. tadamofo

    A little video I made

    dude awesome
  2. tadamofo

    Invincible plant??

    yep i got 2 clones of her that im gonna keep alive yea the leaves are dark green but i thought that was supposed to be good?
  3. tadamofo

    Invincible plant??

    So i had been using Miracle Grow Tomato Plant Food (20-20-20) at its recommended dosage and had no problem with nute burn and my plant was thriving... then i decided i would up the dosage until i nute burned my plant and then i would work my way down from that dosage until i found a good...
  4. tadamofo

    please help with heat issue

    o god where do i start.... 1. your talking out your ass 2. mj can handle heat as it originated in central/south asia where it is humid and hot 3. my grow box was in 100+ temps for a week and had no problems so basically stop spreading false info
  5. tadamofo

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    dude i dont haveanything to contribute to ur grow but i fucking love a7x, Have you heard there new album yet?
  6. tadamofo

    How long does it take YOU to smoke a bowl?

    yea by myself i get like 2 hits offa bong but with buddies we make the bowl last so everyone gets atleast 1 hit
  7. tadamofo

    7200 lumens enough for one plant?

    yes thats enuf but your gonna want more when you want to flower
  8. tadamofo

    Give to the people who need.

    yes money is evil, but respect,love , and peace should be earned. for example if someone starts talking shit to me do i still "give away" respect? if someone kills my brother shoul i offer him peace? if a my girlfriend goes out and fucks a couple guys behind my back should i give her my love...
  9. tadamofo

    Summer heat

    about the heat in the attic and people told u to get an AC cuz thats ur only hope
  10. tadamofo

    Summer heat

    isnt this like the third time ive seen this post from you?
  11. tadamofo

    Give to the people who need.

    maybe people shouldnt be given what the want, THEY SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR IT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE
  12. tadamofo

    Can I use just one CFL for veg and flowering?

    it will work and dont listen to anyone who hasnt tried it cuz they are just repeating wat they have read. im vegging under 191 watts of 2700k and 10 watts of 6500k and my plants are loving it. i have a pic on my comp somewhere but im to high to care to find it
  13. tadamofo

    Leafs with trichs..

    this is what you should have told him, because this is what he asked for. now cutting the fan leaves may not be good but he said that he had already done it so it was useless telling him not to
  14. tadamofo

    Best Console Game To Play High

    fuck ya gears of war 2 is my shit motha fucka
  15. tadamofo

    Not looking good

    ADD comment right there:D
  16. tadamofo

    96 degrees Farenheit???

    my grow box almost never goes below 85 and my 19 days from seed indica dominant bagseed is a monster heres a pic(under 201 watts of cfl) and today it was a scorcher and temps in my box didnt go below 100, it was 110+ for about 4 hours before i got up and turn on the fans. side note: my sativa...
  17. tadamofo

    Leafs with trichs..

    i kno sometimes i go into a thread and it seems like everyones got a dick up their as and they talk like everything they say is 100% percent fact, it pisses me the fuck off, but what can you do ya kno?
  18. tadamofo

    2 weeks since breaking thru... PICS PICS... need feedback !!!

    you would also need to raise one under only sunlight to make the experiment have any value.
  19. tadamofo

    Will running 12v pc fans at 19v damage them?

    Would you be so kind as to enlighten me where you got that fan sir? EDIT: and cost too? thx veryyyy much
  20. tadamofo

    Leafs with trichs..

    wow this is sad... he didn't ask weather or not its good to cut off the fan leaves , he asked weather he could smoke them, and out of the four pages i just read only 2 post had anything to do with his original question. just wow im amazed at this right here.