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  1. tadamofo

    150w hps question......ultra noob needs help!

    o dude i think my balls just dropped again i cant believe the bulbs only cost 9 bucks!!! thx bro im gonna make one last run to HD and if i cant find anything that makes me happy then ima order what u just showed me.
  2. tadamofo

    150w hps question......ultra noob needs help!

    lolz i live in reallllllllyyyy rich community so our street lights are surrounded by a steel cage with elaborate class panels , and plus i dont feel like climbing up a 15ft pole to break my ass when i fall. so a 105w cfl wouldnt cut it then? and btw bro i love ur fridge grow its so so... so...
  3. tadamofo

    150w hps question......ultra noob needs help!

    wo wo wo wait a second did u say 80$..... i should have clarified this but i am on a extreme low budget grow ive spent 0$ so far and already have my grow box, fans, timer, power for fans and carbon filter(homemade) i searched my house for all the parts only thing i couldnt find was lighting...
  4. tadamofo

    150w hps question......ultra noob needs help!

    hmmmm so why dont they do the 150w with a built in ballast .... that a little retarded but ya im going to lst fore more yeild... how much yeild difference will there be between a 70w and 150w fuck man i might just go all cfl....
  5. tadamofo

    150w hps question......ultra noob needs help!

    well its an extreme stealth grow... so i got 20"x18"x height of 32" but its my first grow indoors so a half oz would make me a happy camper cuz my outdoor plants right now are getting jizzed on by mother nature and they dont look like their gonna make it, but thats life..... and btw wats SCrog
  6. tadamofo

    150w hps question......ultra noob needs help!

    so i found a 150w hps at my local home depot and had two questions.... will i need any type of ballast or what not to run this or can i just screw it into a light socket ? and will this light be enuf for 2-3 plants thru flowering? here is the bulb...
  7. tadamofo

    Will It Survive, Or Rather Will They Survive?

    im new to this site so hey everybody... so about two weeks ago i planted about 25 seeds in the woods at various locations. i planted 12 in one spot and came back a week later to find all the ground had been dug up and i couldnt find any seeds in the mess so i gave up on that spot, but to my...