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  1. Cascadian

    Account problem, no ability to format text..... no buttons at all in reply box etc...

    Well at least the formatting works with IE and looks like the uploader worked even though I couldn't see the image when I hit "post". Thanks again,
  2. Cascadian

    Account problem, no ability to format text..... no buttons at all in reply box etc...

    Thanks for the quick reply sunni, I am testing IE as I type and can see the bottons above the reply box but only every 3rd or so letter I type actually shows and the space bar doesn't work (I am sure you already know this, just making sure).............. Oh, and I cannot highlight any text I am...
  3. Cascadian

    Account problem, no ability to format text..... no buttons at all in reply box etc...

    No buttons at all in the reply box eg. font/images/bold/italic/etc.................. and no ability to add a paragraph break.............. I have been forced to use a line a periods to separate thoughts......................... I realize you guys are working on other pressing issues, I get that...
  4. Cascadian

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Yeah, I checked out a couple other sites. Ok, but RIU has higher quality people IMO....... and has more fun.......... This coming from someone who's account is so screwed up I have to put a line of periods behind anything I want to separate.................. I can't even put a paragraph break...
  5. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    I got inspired by the "Hey You" thread in TNT............... Still can't format any of my text at all, looks like you and others can though. Won't be harassing the admin about any time soon (enough on their plate)............. One liner replies for me for the foreseeable...
  6. Cascadian

    Hey you!!!! yes its a pink floyd reference.

    Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs? Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky? Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs? The flames are all gone, but the pain...
  7. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Some pics from last night. Sorry for the huge pics, the RIU server won't even let me upload so using photobucket....... Sleestack X Skunk. Jack Herer. Sugar Plum. Haze 2 Auto, she got the worst burn from the SNS203 dunk. Gave all the plants a bath with a Kelp foliar with the HPS...
  8. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah, battling bugs does take a lot of the fun out of growing for sure. They seem to have slowed way down, didn't see any RAs in the traps tonight (a few fungus gnats). No winged aphids on any of the newer hanging sticky traps. Not sure if these were actual fliers or just aphids with wings, I...
  9. Cascadian

    How do YOU think there doing?

    Looking good Popcorn, those are going to be some really big ladies by the end of flower. I "like" it...
  10. Cascadian

    Hey you!!!! yes its a pink floyd reference.

    Will some cold woman in this desert land Make me feel like a real man? Take this rock and roll refugee Oooh, baby set me free.
  11. Cascadian

    Hey you!!!! yes its a pink floyd reference.

    Hush now baby, baby dont you cry. Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you. Mama wont let anyone dirty get through. Mama's gonna wait up until you get in. Mama will always find out where you've been. Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean. Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby, You'll...
  12. Cascadian

    How ghetto are you?!!..

    I'm so ghetto I was 12 before I realized cereal was more than crushed up Graham Crackers in some milk.. and 14 before I knew milk was supposed to be mixed at more than 1 TBS/Gallon...
  13. Cascadian

    Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

    Haha, hey man just a random observation... I dicked around on a couple other boards today because this one was dead for obvious reasons. I have to say the quality of knowledge and feedback here is at least a couple notches higher. As much as we think we deal with trolls and bs (and website...
  14. Cascadian

    Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

    Left and low it's hard to tow... lol
  15. Cascadian

    Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

    Howz it hangin home skillet.
  16. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Welcome aboard, lilroach.
  17. Cascadian

    MOAB (Mother of all blooms) VS Nectar For The Gods!!!

    Yeah man, I would appreciate that. I'm curious what you put in the mix. My mix could take them through but I like to give them an extra bump every so often. Last batch I added azomite, I think it made a big difference.
  18. Cascadian

    Defoliation Experiment - Side by Side Sister Clones

    Yeah, the jillybean is doing well. Starting some nice bud development below the canopy. Espesially for only being week 3. I have been positively surprised so far. Really helps keep the airflow up as well as make it easier to stay on top of pests. As long as she doesn't grow balls... lol For...
  19. Cascadian

    MOAB (Mother of all blooms) VS Nectar For The Gods!!!

    Yeah, I mix different nutrient lineups all the time just never used AN. I grow in supersoil, and add nutes as needed. Sometimes that is GH flora nova, sometimes its one of 3 diff nutes from Botanicare, and sometimes just some Alaska fish fert. Nothing too fancy for me. I try to keep an...
  20. Cascadian

    MOAB (Mother of all blooms) VS Nectar For The Gods!!!

    @benripped Come to think of it I have never used AN or even commented on it once. Its the worse attempt at trolling I've ever seen or you quoted the wrong post.