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  1. canope

    The command center

    Hey, this is unrelated but I have to ask. I have a EU passport and could easily move to Spain, how’s the weed growing business there? Profitable? Hard to get licenses? Where do you sell the product? Is it very regulated? Feel free to not answer a question if you don’t feel like it :)
  2. canope

    The command center

    How do you like the Dosatron system?
  3. canope

    flowering only lights

    should I go with 3000k + far red or 3500k + far red?
  4. canope

    Burnt tips yield

    Thanks guys ill chop everything
  5. canope

    Burnt tips yield

    I think I overfed my plants and now they all got burnt tips. How bad will this affect my yield?
  6. canope

    Burned tips

    Lol yeah I was suprised when I looked at it the first time, my friend got one in his room and it fluctuates just as mine even while having 5 smaller dehus instead of 1 big one like mine. I checked some large commercial grows and their stuff fluctuates like crazy too, they're in the VPD seetspot...
  7. canope

    Burned tips

    That's during the night, at night VPD doesnt matter so I just try to keep humidity low to prevent PM. during the day it's usually more stable but today I did a foliar treatment which spiked RH for a bit
  8. canope

    Burned tips

    I'm in LED so I keep my temps higher than in HPS. Leaf temp during the day is 24c-25c, thos are top fan leaves
  9. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    I doubt it would be light burn, I'm still way too far from the light imo. Someone pointed out it can be a combo of nute burn and heat stress. I know for a fact they had a solid heat stress 2 days ago, it's fixed now. As for nutrients, I'm not sure I'm between 900-1000ppm. Edit: I dropped the...
  10. canope

    Recommendations on alibaba bar led?

    Geekbeast are pricey for a six bar fixture, you can get a 8 bar fixture for cheaper with Meijiu
  11. canope

    Burned tips

    Heat stress could really be it, I added 2 lights in the room without changing some stuff that I should've changed (dehum timer). I fixed it today. As for nutes I'm always between 900-1000 since day one, but I did tweak the recipe to lower other stuff and push more calmag. Let's see if I get more...
  12. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    A bit of burnt tips, still can't find the reason why. Besides that the girls are happy
  13. canope

    Burned tips

    I’m at around 1000ppm and getting burned tips. Is that defficiancy?
  14. canope

    Mildew during flowering

    I feel like treating them during flowering would be a big no no. Should I just let it go?
  15. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    Added 2 Arize L1000 lights and put the smaller, problematic plants under them for the rest of this run. I’ll be able to compare results. I’ll also run the par meter under them and the Meijiu and upload it here.
  16. canope

    Rate my setup (shitpost)

    My buddy’s idea of a nice setup lmao
  17. canope

    Meijiu[MJ-650]Hydroponic Growing Systems Spydr 650W 8 bar Samsung Lm301B Strip

    They look nice man, solid branches too. Keep us posted on the outcome