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  1. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    You 100% need AC, there’s no way you can run that many lights without it. I use the PWM dimmer that Meijiu sent me
  2. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    That’s exactly what I’m going with next. I made the recipe for 1000L here if anyones interested:
  3. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    They came in those pots, I’m pretty sure they veged them a while in there because there was roots coming out at the bottom. I received them at 12-16 inches tall. As for perpetual growing, I’m staring another room that will be twice the size so will be harvesting every month :)
  4. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    I’mnat around 400 umol because of the distance, if they were closer I’d get around 800 umol. The lights are great I’m just too far from them. I’m actually looking to buy more, I’m opening a new spot where I can fit 30-40 lights and will probably go with the same lights.
  5. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    I’ve been around weed alot yes, but never really grew it. I’ve learned to grow in the last few months by talking to buddies and hanging around here and reddit, lots of reading. yeah I’ve checked light levels they’re okay but not great, too far from the light source and they won’t stretch much...
  6. canope

    Jack’s 3-2-1, explain it to me like I’m 5

    Side note: Tribus original is outrageously expensive, let me know if you have any replacement product that would be cheaper
  7. canope

    Jack’s 3-2-1, explain it to me like I’m 5

    So for a 1000L tank this would be it: Per 1000L PPM: 1000-1100 PH: 5.7-6.1 Armor Si is always first Calimagic is second Week 1-5 Armor Si: 660ml Calimagic: 396ml - 660ml 15-0-0 jacks: 660g 5-12-26 jacks: 950g Epsom salt: 317g Week 6-7 Calimagic: 396ml - 660ml 15-0-0 jacks: 660g 5-12-26...
  8. canope

    Jack’s 3-2-1, explain it to me like I’m 5

    I found your feeding schedule so no need to re-post. But I do have a question, do you follow that chart to the dot with all the boosters or do you keep it simplified? Here's the feed schedule for people that might be interested:
  9. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    Really hoping to get 2lb+ per light on my first run, that would be a nice achievement :D My main concern is the distance between the lights and the plants, I would need to get alot closer to get more of the umol goodness. Next run I'll veg them for 1 more week
  10. canope

    6' Floraflex Cap Cheaper Alternatives

    Depending on the amount you need check out alibaba, they're dirt cheap but the shipping costs a pretty penny so you need to order quite a lot
  11. canope

    Jack’s 3-2-1, explain it to me like I’m 5

    This is what I came up with, let me know if this looks correct to you, afaik they are in the correct order 1000L = 264 GAL g/1000L Week 1 target ppm: 980 10-30-20 Bloom 1500 Epsom Salts 264 FLOWER week 2-6 ppm: 1175 5-12-26 Part A 975 Epsom Salts 264 15-0-0 Part B 645 LATE FLOWER...
  12. canope

    Jack’s 3-2-1, explain it to me like I’m 5

    Can you post those 2 pics in full, I feel like that could help me alot. You're basically using what GreenGenes is using right? Thanks for the info man
  13. canope

    Jack’s 3-2-1, explain it to me like I’m 5

    So for my next grow I want to switch to Jack’s and want to make sure I do not mess this up, I’m still a newb and defficiencies are not so obvious to me yet. this run I’ll be in coco, I have an automatic watering system from 1000L bin where I mix my nutes in, pictured bellow. I run 24 LED...
  14. canope

    PWM dimmer for 30+ lights

    I don't think it dims if temps get too high, but it does show temp on the screen. Did you buy your lights from Meijiu? If so you can ask them and they'll send it for free if you make a considerable order. Let us know about your setup, just did mine in LED and will have results by mid Sept
  15. canope

    PWM dimmer for 30+ lights

    You can yes, I was doing it at first and then my guy told me it's pretty much useless in term of light to your plants, but it can help your hvac system to better adapt when you ramp up/down instead of on/off
  16. canope

    PWM dimmer for 30+ lights

    You set the hour and the intensity, 8-12 hour slots per day
  17. canope

    Meijiu, GeekBeast, SF4000 controller options in a mid-sized 20+ lights grow op?

    Lol yup that was my post. I ended up using the PWM that Meijiu sent me, it's not wifi/bluetooth/fancy but it gets the job done
  18. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    Funny you guys are saying that I actually sent back the RO system to the store after realizing that it would be too much logistic to fill up the 1000L bin with RO water since I’m not always there and I try to automate everything as much as I can. I’m trying to stay in the VPD as much as I can...
  19. canope

    Brown spots

    You’re right I just keep asking questions to everyone I know and reasearch on the answers I get then make my own decision, imo it’s the best way to learn. I made a thread about my grow here’s the link