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  1. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    Dimming the lights are my main issue right now, since I ordered from 4 different manufacturers before to test before actually buying the rest of the lights, so I will have to manually dim some of them or just keep them off completely. I’m doing bloom only, getting my babies about 2 feet tall and...
  2. canope

    Is this even possible? 650w Meijiu Bar Light. 3.0 umol/J. LM301H and Osram. 1950 PPFD!!!!

    Got the same lights, they bang for the buck! Will do a video with a umol meter once everything is set up
  3. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    They’re Meijiu, just branded them with a name for fun and sell them at cost price to my grow buddies. Will make a video with a umol meter to show what kind of ppfd I’m getting around the room. From table to light it’s about 6’1, might have to dim the lights when the ladies come in on the first...
  4. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    got some of my lights today
  5. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    CO2 came in today we should be good for a run :D
  6. canope

    Growtronix vs Intellidose

    I've been eyeing both systems for a little while now. My schedule and my setup demands that I have an automatic fertilization system. I'm looking for something with peristaltic pumps and a software that will let me plan my feedings. Both systems are nice, but Growtronix looks like it hasn't been...
  7. canope

    What to do with all this trim?

    3 guys with each more or less 30 lights, like I said we have a solution but looking for other ideas that would optimize our output. Not looking to do heaps more work either.
  8. canope

    What to do with all this trim?

    My buddies and I have together about 100 lights. Currently we are giving the trim to a guy that makes hash with it, he gives us 50% of whatever he makes. I'm looking for other solutions, any ideas?
  9. canope

    Powder nutrient dispenser

    That's one sweet DIY setup
  10. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    Going to purchase the nutes tomorrow. Sticking with Remo for this run. Any recommendation on a particular recipe? I'll be feeding twice a day, once 30 minutes after lights on and another time 6 hours later. As you know I'm doing flowering only.
  11. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    New toys on the way. Irrigation system almost done
  12. canope

    Led coatings

    The only one I can find in my area without ordering a case from overseas is this: MG Chemicals Acrylic Lacquer Conformal Coating, 340g (12 Oz) Aerosol Can, Clear
  13. canope

    Led coatings

    Exactly, and moisture lowers your output after a while
  14. canope

    Led coatings

  15. canope

    Led coatings

    in your opinion is acrylic better than silicon?
  16. canope

    Led coatings

    Good stuff man, thanks for the insight will visit Akzo Nobel tomorrow and ask them what they have to offer. Will update
  17. canope

    Led coatings

    Awesome stuff, do you know if you lose alot of umol?
  18. canope

    Led coatings

    Some have a plastic film over the board/strip
  19. canope

    Led coatings

    Some LED makers put a plastic coating over the LEDs, is there an aftermarket solution to DIY? Is it even a good idea?
  20. canope

    You guys think this would outlight a DE 1000w Fixture?

    Are those the Meijiu, if so which model?