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  1. Psyclops


  2. Psyclops

    How do these look?? Advice please

    Flat white paint 85% reflective Aluminum foil is around 70%
  3. Psyclops

    Please help second post this is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If it was me I would give them only water for the next 2 or 3 waterings. Remember "Less Is More". When the leaves point up to the light, this is the plant talking to you saying ok I am hungry. When the leaves point down they are saying "I just ate a thanksgiving dinner and I am stuffed".
  4. Psyclops

    How do these look?? Advice please

    50,000 Lumens is a 400 W HPS bulb 90,000 Lumens would be a 600W HPS bulb 600 W is the most efficient of either 400, 600 and 1,000W HPS. Sorry about so many posts. Each read I am picking up something else. Peace
  5. Psyclops

    How do these look?? Advice please

    Also tin foil is not a preferred method of reflection. If you have flat white paint in your closet it is about 85% reflective. Much better than aluminum foil. Also if you need to use the foil you want the flat side out not the shiny side, better reflection.
  6. Psyclops

    How do these look?? Advice please

    Wattage: 400 W covers about 4' X 4' grow area 600 W covers about 5' x 5' grow area 1000 W covers about 6' x 6' grow area Your plants look healthy to me. I would top them at around the 4th node, to remove the strecth and repot them into a 2 or 3 gal container. This...
  7. Psyclops

    Please help second post this is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sounds like a consensus. To much N. I give my flowering plants N during the first week of flowering then add N as the plant shows signs of needing N. For me it is usually around half way thru flowering. Then I cut off the N again after 1 or 2 feedings. Of course each strains nutrient needs...
  8. Psyclops

    Please help second post this is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It would appear to me like overfeeding N. To much N in flower can cause the secondary "stretching". I believe I am also seeing some pest damage on pic #2. Clawing can be the result of several differant things, by my guess is overfeeding and stress caused by over feeding. Are they from seed...
  9. Psyclops

    What ya think ?

    Am I seeing bleaching on those leaves in the third pic? 3 600 watt hps for a 4' X 8' table seems a bit extreme to me. are you growing in a room with the walls close to the plants?
  10. Psyclops

    My New (first) Grow Room and First Grow

    Looking very nice.
  11. Psyclops

    Are Four 42 Watt CFL Enough For 2 Plants?

    I started growing using strictly cfls', my production was "adequate" to my needs, (2 to 3 ozs. per plant depending on the length of vegging time, using around 9,000 L per sq. ft.), I now use a 400w & 600w hps, along with a 4' 6 tube T5 (353 Watts) and an additional 310 watts of cfls' in a 32 Sq...
  12. Psyclops

    Are Four 42 Watt CFL Enough For 2 Plants?

    Actually when speaking of CFLs' Wattage doesn't mean squat. Total lumens is per sq. foot is what matters. HID lighting is a differant matter.
  13. Psyclops

    Are Four 42 Watt CFL Enough For 2 Plants?

    Lumens per Sq. Ft. is what you are interested in. It is advised that you have between 3,000 to 7,000 Lumens per sq. Ft.. The sun on a bright day is 10,000 Lumens per sq. ft. What you want to do is add up the total lumens for each bulb and divide that total by the number of sq. ft. you are...
  14. Psyclops

    male or female.?

    If you do not see any white hairs, and I do not, then it is all male. Sorry.
  15. Psyclops

    male or female.?

    Those are certainly bolitos!!
  16. Psyclops

    My New (first) Grow Room and First Grow

    They are looking very nice. I have 18 plants crammed into 16 sq. ft. so you should be in like flynn!
  17. Psyclops

    1 month old plants

    Hello Ames. They are looking good to me. I would suggest that you top the main stem and give them 4 or 5 days to recover. This will create two "main colas" instead of one. you can flip to flower at any time that you wish. I would leave in the some blue (spring) color. This spectrum will...
  18. Psyclops

    Runt Plant: Is it healthy? What is wrong? PLEASE HELP

    Autos are not a big fan of transplanting. So I would do it sooner rather than later and put her in a container that is at least 1 gal. preferably 1.5 gal.. Transplanting and topping are not condusive to Autos' because of the time it takes to recover. This will affect your yield dramatically...