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  1. noob4560

    spots.. plz give feedback

    does anyone else get spots on leaves during the first few weeks of flower?? if so what the hell is it and how do i stop it? The soil is like 93 percent peat. It's a type of pro mix. As for nutrients I'm using down to earth 444 and gaia green 284 as dry amendments 2 weeks ago i top dressed 1 tbs...
  2. noob4560

    deficient rust spots can't figure it out

    did you ever figure out what was causing this?
  3. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    i only used down to earth when i first amended the soil before starting plants. one week ago i reamended 1 tbs per gal (5 gal, 5 tbs). this is week 2 of flower and only the plants in flower are showing these signs. im wondering if that wasnt enough nutes for them when i top dressed? also my...
  4. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    What are you using to test soil ph?
  5. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    As in nutrients or soil? The soil is like 93 percent peat. It's a type of pro mix. As for nutrients I'm using down to earth 444 and gaia green 284 as dry amendments. I asked the main question because I'm getting small brown spots on my leaves and was wondering if I was cause buy my water ph
  6. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?
  7. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    ill keep you guys posted on progress!!
  8. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    im using water from my well but no nothing has changed
  9. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    okay so that is something i didnt know. this is why i love it here! thank you again!!
  10. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    BUCS!!! pandawan you get cooler with each post! lol thank you both seriously
  11. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    i just finished reading the thread. i have been watering with higher ph around 7.3 and not seeing a difference so far. so as you just said i will jump it to 8.0 and see how it goes. i wish i could get the hang of this stuff faster its frustrating but at the same time i enjoy it
  12. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    right now i dont have the cash for a soil probe but ill be getting one soon i promise you that hahaha. im thanking about top dressing the soil with some down to earth dolomite lime. does 1 TBS per gal of soil sound right??
  13. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    i just lowered it back down it was at 2 ft away. im using a mars hydro ts1000 at 150 watts. its 15in away now. but i cant top or supercrop right now plus these are autos and they are starting to flower.
  14. noob4560

    Nutrient deficiencies and low ph runoff. Need help

    okay so for alittle over a week now all four of my plants have been showing sings of nutrient deficiencies. when first noticed i fed the plants and growth shot up like crazy but the deficiencies seemed to progress. to me it looks like calcium and magnesium deficiencies so i added some azomite...
  15. noob4560

    help please

    thank you guys!!! so i gave the plants alittle time to see if the 2-8-4 would help at all and the plants seem to be loving it so far they shot up about 5 inches since i made this post. as far as the deficiency goes im 100 percent sure its calcium AND magnesium at this point. i thought the gypsum...
  16. noob4560

    help please

    so how would i go about phing organically?
  17. noob4560

    help please

    wow im about dumb as fuck... i guess my grow isnt 100 percent organic if im using (ph up and down) :( i feel like the world biggest idiot right now. i try not to let it bone dry because of microbes.. and yeah i know ph solutions can kill alot of them' like i said still trying to get the hang of...
  18. noob4560

    help please

    2 are auto blackberry kush from dutch passion and the other 2 are auto tangerine i got as free seed from seed city. but no haven't burnt any tips yet from nutes but i did get lazy and didn't raise my light up and had some yellowing tips on new growth from that. i dont thank gaia green is a...
  19. noob4560

    help please

    what is EWC? i gave only one plant the amount to gaia that was listed in the directions and the others smaller amounts just to kind of play around with the stuff to see what works best. the gaia should hopefully take care of it if its a calcium deficiency it contains gypsum which has calcium...
  20. noob4560

    help please

    thats why i got it. im new to growing so im try to get the flow of this whole thing. thank you for the info btw