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  1. noob4560

    should i cut her down??

    okay completely understood! if time is what it needs time will be given! ill post more pics in a week or two. again thank you!!!
  2. noob4560

    should i cut her down??

    i did flush the medium out because i was seeing deficiencies and i believe in doing so caused a lack of phosphorus. im not 100 percent sure but thats what im guessing caused what you are seeing.. but im still planning on waiting the 2 weeks like we talked about before i decide i need to flush or...
  3. noob4560

    should i cut her down??

    some updated pics on the plants! thought i posted the pics here but actually posted them in another thread of mine. here ya go.
  4. noob4560

    is my plant herming or growing seeds??

    hey guys!! so here is an update on the plants if y'all wanna check um out
  5. noob4560

    is my plant herming or growing seeds??

    okay awesome thank you for the info and for the support!!
  6. noob4560

    is my plant herming or growing seeds??

    lol i tried getting tweezers and pulling it out it just turned to mush kinda.. kind of like if you were to squeeze a soft newly sprouted stim. its really small too
  7. noob4560

    is my plant herming or growing seeds??

    i thank i might be freaking out cause it does look strange. i thank it might be where new hairs were growing inside the calyx but just hasnt popped out yet cause the plant is foxtailing and i thank new hair growth comes with foxtails. shit i hope thats all it is
  8. noob4560

    is my plant herming or growing seeds??

    so i decided to cut a little piece of calyx off my plant to see the trichomes better under a microscope and i seen this... looks like seeds forming to me. i see zero nanners on either of my plants. let me know you're opinions please.. if these are new seeds forming what should i do????
  9. noob4560

    should i cut her down??

    thank you!!! ill update you guy with some more pics as it progresses!
  10. noob4560

    should i cut her down??

    alright awesome! 2 weeks isnt a bad wait! thank you for your input its much appreciated
  11. noob4560

    should i cut her down??

    so i dimmed down my light and you're right it was making them look alot more milky then they are. i thank im close though! ima give it another week maybe 2 what do you thank????
  12. noob4560

    should i cut her down??

    okay so this is auto blackberry kush one of the two i have growing. this one in particular the buds have looked done TO ME for about a week and a half to two weeks (i am no expert) but just this week the trichomes are starting to look on point to me. i see everyone saying wait for this or that...
  13. noob4560

    need advice

    Im actually really glad i made this post now! next few waters im going to try using 6 or a little under and see how it works out! this whole grow ive been wondering why i kept having all these issues and everyone i talk to says that this strain is a really easy grow while ive been thanking its...
  14. noob4560

    need advice

    okay im going to give it a shot!!! thank you!
  15. noob4560

    need advice

    really the only nitrogen ive been giving is in the cal mag im using. idk if its to little to cause the yellowing though. ive also read about plants taking nutrients from the older leaves and was thanking that could be the problem. i appreciate your input thank you!!
  16. noob4560

    need advice

    from what ive read it says its soil but i could be wrong. like i said im new to this. i would hate it if ive been phing wrong for the past 7 weeks...heres a link to the medium im using guys.
  17. noob4560

    need advice

    So lower to middle fan leaves are turning yellow and some are spotty. also the other leaves that arnt straight yellow are slowly turning light green and looks like they will eventually as time goes on be affected as well. if anyone can give me advice that wound be amazing! this strain is...
  18. noob4560

    Yellow leave tips

    so what exactly did you do to fix the problem?? im still having the same issues..
  19. noob4560

    Can’t tell if my plants are suffering from nute burn or light burn

    any luck figuring the problem out? going threw this right now too.
  20. noob4560

    Help Identify Deficiency or Nute Lockout?

    any luck figuring out the problem?