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  1. Izzo1978

    DWC day 16 AG day 23 both from seed

    now they are going in a 4-5 gallon from Stealh Hydro....which I thought would be enough room for 4 plants, but its tight. So I have a 18 gallon rubbermaid tub out in the garage that I am going to make into a DWC.... here's the specs and here is what I am thinking... 18 gal rubbermaid tub...
  2. Izzo1978

    DWC day 16 AG day 23 both from seed

    sweet I will give them a call. They are Nirvana seeds that I got thru buy-dutchseeds. this is the second time I've used them and have mixed results..Im thinking about trying barneys or green house next. where do you get yours?:peace:
  3. Izzo1978

    Question for AG growers

    very close to the top....u almost want the top of the seed pokin out...but not quite....other people germ them in a paper towel first and then put them in...but I was 2 out of 3 by just placing the seed right in the pod....hope this helpsbongsmilie
  4. Izzo1978

    Yellowing Spots WITH PICS

    apasunee to the rescue again....sup man? so what do you recomend? just keeping an eye on it more closely or should I flush and start over...I just flushed it 5 days ago (monday)
  5. Izzo1978

    Yellowing Spots WITH PICS

    hi...ok I have 1 ice, 1 white rhino, and 1 white widow going in a DWC...I just dropped the ph today to 5.5-5.75 when I checked it this morning it had creeped up too 7. they have all develped brittle yellow spots on the leaves. the other parts of the leaf are healthy, green and not brittle...
  6. Izzo1978

    DWC day 16 AG day 23 both from seed

    whats up RIU? I thought I would post my pics and see what y'all think. In my DWC I have 2 ICE 1 White Widow and 1 White Rhino...the first pic is of the white rhino taken this morning day 16. the second pic is my AK-48 that I have in my AG. This plant looks amazing, however I cant stand the...
  7. Izzo1978

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    you can bud when ever you want....I definately would ASAP....your plant will double or triple in size during the 8 weeks of looks like yours is 2 feet or more....which would make a nice size tree when your good luck...looks good!bongsmilie
  8. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down

    well the look pretty crispy today....Im gonna give it another day, and then trim the dead leaves. I really didn't think it would be this challenging to make all the way to the end. but, this is my second grow and it appears I fucked up again:wall: I dont understand why the nutes fried it, if...
  9. Izzo1978

    leaves curling

    how close is the light to the top of the plant? usually you want to start at least 30 inches away and then lower it one inch a day until you are at your optimum height. there is a chart on here that shows you the lumens range, based on distance and wattage. if thats the only thing you have...
  10. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down

    could you define PH'd water? what is ideal? my tap water comes out at 6.75-7 and thats what I used to flush....also is that a good PH for hydro?> cause I have to flush my DWC tomorrow and it would be easier using tap instead of bottled. but I guess I have ph up and down so long story...
  11. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down

    yup here ya go.....UPDATE...I flushed them
  12. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down

    2 gallon pot. they were flowered at 12 inches tall..they are now 18 inches with 4-5 weeks left....some where I read you get a foot a gallon.
  13. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down I only want the one hole in my wall...should I switch it to exhaust? the hole is 6 inches up from the floor and I have a 4 in duct fit snuggly into the hole. I made a homemade carbon filter thanks to the DIY section on here but with my set up im a little confused. do I want it on...
  14. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down

    thanks jsgrwn and apasunee...I flushed them...and since they are half way in, I think I will just be giving them water and molasses...thanks for all the advice RIU rocks
  15. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down

    thanks! I was thinking it might be the watering too, Ive watered every tu, th, and sat during the entire grow. the dirt always looks dry when I water...and I dont give them a ton ( 1/2 gallon between 4 plants) pluse I thought they drank more when they flowered??? my next concern was that...
  16. Izzo1978

    tips of fan leavs curling down

    what up??? the last 2 times I fed my girls (2tbsp FF TIGER BLOOM and 3/4tbsp molasses) the next day the leaves curl down a bit, and usually the day after they look fine. am I giving them too much nutes?? I've been using FF nutes during the entire grow. Im thinking it might be a humidity...
  17. Izzo1978

    day 28 of FLOWER

    what up Boneman? nice to finally see another minnesotan! thanks for the advice. this is some bag seed that was dank. I am using fox farm nute...grow big during veg and tiger bloom with 3/4 tbl spoon molasses during flower. I have fed the nute water mix every tue, th, sat throught the entire...
  18. Izzo1978

    HERMIE? or WHAT????

    heres some pics....first one is day 30 of flower and the second pic is 3 girls day 17 flower...sorry for the crappy pics only have a camera phone
  19. Izzo1978

    day 28 of FLOWER

    sorry for the crappy phone. a digi is on the christmas list!!!!