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  1. W

    Question About Super Soil "Cooking" Process...

    OK, but I do need to keep the lid on the can, right?
  2. W

    How to Block Light for Closet Door?

    I had a lot of trouble light-proofing my grow closet door and passive intake vents. I finally decided to light-proof the whole bedroom instead by putting sunblock shading on all the windows (using sticky-back velcro). Now the room stays completely dark, which helps greatly with temperature...
  3. W

    Question About Super Soil "Cooking" Process...

    I'm making a batch of Super Soil. Subcool's directions say to mix the ingredients well, put the whole soil mix in a plastic trash can, add water, and put it out in the sun to "cook" for 30 days. My question is this: should I seal the trash can top with duct tape in order to keep moisture in...
  4. W

    Germination Medium for Super Soil Grow?

    My next grow will be in Subcool's Super Soil. In what medium should I gerninate my seeds? Jiffy cubes? Rockwool cubes? Thanks.
  5. W

    My New (first) Grow Room and First Grow

    Here's an update. The pics show 3 Northern Lights plants, and one AK-48 (front left). They are all showing female pre-flowers!!! The AK-48 likes to get fresh nutients every 2 days...the Northern Lights are OK with fresh nutrients only twice per week. I am starting 12/12 flowering tomorrow...
  6. W

    Medical Marijuana Frustration in Alabama/Tennessee

    I own homes in both Alabama and Tennessee. And I would gladly declare my primary residence to be in whichever state allowed me legal cannibis relief from my excrutiating TMJ pain. But neither state does. Nor will it (it seems) in the near future. Thus, I am forced to grow at home at risk of...
  7. W

    Subcool's Super Soil Grow - What Teas and/or Watering Supplements?

    I'm currently making Subcool's Super Soil for my next grow. I'm following his recipe VERY strictly. Subcool says that his Super Soil recipe requires nothing except straight water for the entire grow (except maybe at the end of flowering). But from reading on this web site, I get the feeling...
  8. W

    Can I take Clones From My Plants Before I Flower Them?

    I have some nice 12-inch tall Northern Lights plants that I grew from feminized seeds. They are all showing female pre-flowers, so I will begin flowering soon. I would like to take a couple of clones from each plant before flowering them. Is this OK? If so, how long should I allow them to...
  9. W

    Lumatek digital ballasts

    Sounds good man...good luck.
  10. W

    Lumatek digital ballasts

    I wish you luck bro. I can imagine your frustration. Things will get better soon with whatever ballast manufacturer you choose. All the leading manufacturers make good ones...
  11. W

    Lumatek digital ballasts

    Lumateks are great. You got a bad one. Bad luck. Every manufacturer puts out a dud every now and then. You are wrong to diss Lumatek as a whole just because yours blew a fuse. Look on the bright side: you're getting a brand new one. Good luck with that kind of warranty with other...
  12. W

    Showing Pre-Flowers - Question

    I'm a first-time grower. I'm wondering when I can expect my plants to show pre-flowers. I have 3 Northern Lights and 1 AK-48 (all from seed) in week 4-5 of veg. They are 11-inches tall, growing in FFOF. I'm using the FoxFarm nutes, and they are under a 400-watt MH bulb in a small closet with...
  13. W

    My New (first) Grow Room and First Grow

    Here's a little update. I just took this pic today. My plants have grown some since I posted the last pic. You'll also notice that I've taken some advice from previous replies: 1. I drilled lots of holes in the sides of the buckets. 2. I bought plant stands on which to set the buckets, in...
  14. W

    Questions for Actual Users of Subcool's Super Soil

    I'm a first-time grower, using FFOF mix and nutes. Things are going well so far (3rd week veg). For my next (second) grow, I'd like to try Subcool's Super Soil mix. While I suspect it is a great mix, I would like to hear results from real users. 1. Does it really produce hydro-like results...
  15. W

    FFOF Feeding Advice...Please

    OK, how can I tell when they're hungry?
  16. W

    FFOF Feeding Advice...Please

    What is your molasses mix (ratio to water)?
  17. W

    FFOF Feeding Advice...Please

    I just transplanted my plants from 1-gallon pots (100% FFOF) into 5-gallon pots (85% FFOF, 15% perlite). These plants are 6-inches tall (short, bushy Indicas - Northern Lights and AK-48, and I have been feeding them with FoxFarm nutes according to the FoxFarm week 2 veg feeding schedule...
  18. W

    My New (first) Grow Room and First Grow

    Yes, I plan to keep them in the 5-gallon buckets until harvest. I guess I will keep them in veg until they are 12-14 inches tall, or when they show sexual maturity (whichever comes first).