Search results

  1. W


    I think you and I could be friends one day.
  2. W


    No, you didn't. Keep beating your meat and living in your dream'll understand one day.
  3. W


    You know not what you are tralking about. OK, let's ASSUME for one moment that my wife did not die in that plane crash...I would feel about the same as I do now because many wives died in those plane crashes...what hole did you crawl out of?
  4. W


    Yes, you and I are the exact same age. Do you think I like to feel this way? We don't always choose how we feel. I've tried to move on many times. Maybe I will suceed one day.
  5. W


    Thanks...I condone NO violence whatsoever...not even in retalliation...well, almost none...
  6. W


    Wish I could continue this discussion with you seem like a reasonable person...but work comes early tomorrow, and I must retire for the evening...good night.
  7. W


    I'm saying that all Muslim extremists are bad...the problem I have is that the tolerant ones can't readily be distinguished from the extremists... Christian fundamentalists can fall into the same category...but in my opion, Muslims dedfine the catergory...
  8. W


    Damn right.
  9. W


    Sir, I could not agree with you more. Maybe you and I have more in common than you realize. All religion is bullshit (in my humble opinion - I am tolerant of non-violent religious people even though I disagree with their beliefs). But Muslims do not fall into that category, in my...
  10. W


    I love you too Chief...really...
  11. W


    Yeah it was a horrible loss...I can't imagine your indifference...all I can say is that you (as well as everyone else) will one day realize real loss in your your own way and in your own time...and it will be it was for me much too early in my life...don't get me...
  12. W


    Excuse me sir...I've respected many of your posts in the past...including this one...HONESTLY...but please allow me to digress for a brief moment... What the hell do you know about my loss?...Recovery?...Are you serious?...Are you even old enough to be serious?...Come back when you're a...
  13. W


    OK, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...Maybe you'll extend me the same courtesy... My wife crashed into the World Trade Center on Flight 11 on 9/ about 500 miles per hour...killing my best friend and the mother of our pre-teen children...and I've never recovered...our children have...
  14. W


    In the grand scheme of things, I know I can't expect any of you to understand my loss...My wife crashed into the World Trade Center at about 500 miles per hour...while we were talking on our cell phones...she knew what was happening even as I was denying it...our call ended in "I love you...tell...
  15. W


    First of all, to your undoubted pleasure, I do not vote. I am way past the fallacy of the "benefits" of publicly elected officials (i.e. power-hungry morons)...but I DO claim to be an American...although a very nationalist one...I suspect first, and then trust...but only when warranted...and...
  16. W


    Yeah, I've noticed...
  17. W


    Wow, Jesus can be trashed here, but Mohammed? Appearantly not. I have posted 2 different threads about stupid fucking Muslims, both deleted by moderators. A real double-standard. I guess this thread will be deleted as well. But not before I say that Muslims suck more than Christians do...
  18. W

    Clip-on Oscillating Fans?

    Hey Man, I asked for personal RECOMMENDATIONS; not a fucking link to a Google search. I've done Google searches, Amazon searches, etc. What I asked for here was RECOMMENDATIONS. Please do not ever again respond to my questions unless you have something substantive to offer.
  19. W

    Clip-on Oscillating Fans?

    My grow room is kinda small, so when it comes to oscillating fans, I need small ones. I would love to find clip-on oscillating fans instead of wall-mount fans. Does anybody have a recommendation for clip-on oscillating fans? I've found excellent clip-on fans that do not oscillate. But I'm...
  20. W

    Luxor Hoods (They've Been Out For A While Now) - Anyone Have Firsthand Experience?

    I have a Luxor. It's a BEAST. Big and heavy. But it throws a great light pattern. I really like it. They are supposed to be designed in such a way as to reduce grow room heat. In my case, I can't say for sure because this is my first grow. My grow room is 3'8" x 3'8" x 8', and I'm using...