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  1. W


    You may be the one who makes the most sense of any replier in this thread...
  2. W

    The Lunacy of Increased Taxes...And "Democracy"

    Yeah, when Mother Nature decides to put the number of humans back in balance, it will be very, very harsh indeed. Much more harsh than any of the painful atroceties mankind has caused. Mother Nature will eventually win out, as She always does. Think of it as "culling", or whatever. Most of...
  3. W

    The Lunacy of Increased Taxes...And "Democracy"

    A paraphrased comment from Karl Marx (most of you stupid kids don't know ho he is, I know, but here goes anyway): "Democracy is not a form of government that can survive...for it will only survive until the people discover that they can vote themselves money from the treasury"... And that's...
  4. W

    Has This Nice Female Hermied?

    OK, thanks...I'm so relieved...
  5. W

    Has This Nice Female Hermied?

    Look at this pic and see if you think this NL female has hermied. She's in her 4th week of flowering.
  6. W


    OK, I've caused enough trouble. I'll leave this thread now.
  7. W


    Hello in there, I'm certainly no defender of Christians...and US citizens and military are not blameless in the way they treat other people...but I love and respect the US military as a whole... What about the stupid fucks in Afghanistan who rioted because a few Quarans were accidentally...
  8. W


    Forgiveness undoubtedly has its virtues...maybe I will be able to forgive one day...I certainly didn't just wake up one day and say to myself "Gee, I think I'll start hating Muslims"...I was an unforgettable way...
  9. W


    The "most people you know", statiscally-speaking, are as likely as any group to be non-standard...Just FYI, I certainly am non-standard...your disbelief does not change the truth...nor does my claims affirm it to anyone except myself...
  10. W


    Well, sir, I certainly do not hate myself...but neither do I put myself on a pedastal for my loss on 9/11...but I am still you and any reasonable person would be
  11. W


    In the end, just suppose I am a fakir...a what?...the fact is that radical Muslims killed thousands of US citizens on 9/11...and there were news films of various rallies in middle-eastern countries where crowds were laughing at, and celebrating, the death of our citizens...fuck Muslims
  12. W


    Ty, different people act and react differently. Your emotional reaction to things is certainly no standard by which others should be're being stereo-typical...just like the religious zealots you've condemned in your posts I've the Bible says "Examine Thyself" :)
  13. W


    You are speculating...just like the religious zealots that you essence, you are no different than they just speculate about different things than they the end, I hold no grudge against a way, you're probably close to being right...I should not have aired...
  14. W


    Pics of what? The Flight 11 manifest with my wife's name on it? The official letter I received from the US government stating that DNA testing of human remains at the WTC had confirmed my wife's death? Pics of our children's scholarship offers? What?
  15. W


    Hello there, Marie.
  16. W


    No, not hardly. If you knew them, you'd laugh at your suggestion. But they are good people.
  17. W


    Because it's true. Do you know anything about the truth?
  18. W


    Do you think there's anything original you can say that I haven't heard before? Not hardly. You are just one of many peons that have tried to rile me up over the years. BTW, it took 5 of you to kill my wife. 5 cowards like you who are NOT enjoying virgins in heaven right now. But I really...
  19. W

    Big Bud x Northern Lights

    DO NOT TRY PLANET SKUNK!!!!!!! I got ripped off TWICE by them...paid for seeds that NEVER arrived.
  20. W


    Are you a radical Muslim? How do you feel about suicide bombers? Or suicide pilots?