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  1. W

    Let's play "Rate Your Presidents!"

    Again, I didn't intend this thread to be a pissing contest. Just stick to the ratings.
  2. W

    Let's play "Rate Your Presidents!"

    Yeah, I'm serious about hating Kennedy. But I didn't intend this thread to be a pissing let's just stick with ratings and no commentary. Yes, they're all lying scumbags...but let's face it...they have to be in order to get elected...that's just the nature of modern politics...
  3. W

    Who Will Be President in 2016?

    I'd love to hear it...:)
  4. W

    Let's play "Rate Your Presidents!"

    Rate the presidents you've known in your lifetime, with the following: N/A - You are too young to remember this president Hated Disliked Nuetral Liked Loved Thomas Jefferson - OK, I'm not that old. So let's start with... Kennedy - Hated Johnson - Liked Nixon - Liked Ford - Liked Carter -...
  5. W

    Who Will Be President in 2016?

    Now that's hilarious. Good job. :)
  6. W

    Who Will Be President in 2016?

    In my opinion, it's a foregone conclusion that Obama will win reelection in 2012. Just my opinion. So, who do you think will win the presidency in 2016? Hillary Clinton? Will she even run? Would Joe Biden consider running? What about Bobby Jindal (governor of Louisiana)? Santorum? Ron...
  7. W

    Edwards trial goes to jury today

    Damn I hope that SOB does serious jail time... But I agree with you, he'll get 5 years (or less) at a low-security (luxury) "prison" (with cell phone access, cable tv with HBO), and be out in 12-18 months.
  8. W

    Innocent People in Prison...

    Yeah, Ben Franklin meant well when he said "Better for 10 guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to go to jail"...except it's tragic for that one innocent man every now and then to go to jail...the number of innocent men in jail today is, I'm afraid, staggering...
  9. W

    So, I got a job

    Unfortunately, you're have it all figured out...i must admit...much to my chagrin...i must defer to your superior kicked my do I recover from that? Help, someone....
  10. W

    So, I got a job

    Well, since my credit rating is 800+, I should be OK. Huh? Honestly, I wouldn't invest a penney of my hard-earned money with a ripoff scheme like yours...good luck in ripping off poor people who are looking for a "get rich quick" solution to their patheticically poor are a...
  11. W

    So, I got a job

    Damn, can I get in on that as well?
  12. W

    So, I got a job

    Yeah, maybe I'll try to get in on it as well...seems like a winner...
  13. W

    So, I got a job

    Treadmills are cool...but degrees open doors that would otherwise be closed...many of the classes are bullshit, i know...but the degree will open doors...I encourage you to reconsider...
  14. W

    So, I got a job

    Well, I can respect that. So why don't you go back and finish your degree? It would be so worth it in the end. I know several people with stories like yours, and they went back, graduated, and it really paid off for them. It would for you, too. Online degrees are really convenient these...
  15. W

    So, I got a job

    My congrats 2 u...u couldn't do that in the real world of US defense would sink or swim (mostly sink) based upon your abilities....
  16. W

    So, I got a job

    Maybe I'm a moron (which my wife would say), but what is a PE? If you mean a "Profeossional Engeerning Degree", the you're delusional...
  17. W

    So, I got a job

    If not, you're only about 50 hard courses away from getting a college degree...that equates to about 4 years of full-time unpaid difficult classwork...the sooner you get started, the better...take it from a financially independent person like decision to get an engineering degree 30...
  18. W

    So, I got a job

    Just curious...did you get a college degree?
  19. W

    So, I got a job

    I've been so lucky. I work in the US defense engineering industry, and my job has not been threatened at all, ever. Not even in the last 5 years. I'm so lucky. I love my job, and I think it makes a positive difference for the US. Did I mention that I feel lucky? I don't know what or who to...