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  1. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    The double standard on this forum is frightening. My post daring to challenge mindphuk's "claimed but uncorfirmed Ph.D." was deleted, and I received a reprimand from the biased moderator of this forum, even though I have never engaged in name-calling like you have, sir. But you can call me...
  2. W

    When Will The US Government STOP Paying People To Have Children?

    OK, sir, I apologize for my knee-jerk reaction to your post. Unlike most people on this forum, I have no agenda, and thus can admit when I've responded with malice, sometimes as the result of having too much smoke and wine. Which I did with you. Again, I apologize. As a father with a son who...
  3. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    You, sir, are probably 100% correct. Zimmerman didn't mean to kill. Trayvon didn't mean to hurt anyone, either. Zimmerman was STUPID for confronting Trayvon, and Trayvon was STUPID for retalliating in a violent nature. The outcome is what it is, and Zimmerman deserves some blame. But...
  4. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    Trayvon died because he physically confronted a man he thought he could bully. What he didn't know was the man had the means to defend himself, and did, according to Florida law at the time. Zimmerman was STUPID to confront Trayvon, against the advice of the 911 operator. But he did not...
  5. W

    The RIGHT Way How To Handle A Traffic Stop

    Well, I'm not sure what would be the best thing to say. I guess I would say "OK officer" and go sit down. But I still wouldn't consent to the search. I guess I'm kind of surprised that he could call the dogs in without some sort of probable cause. Why can the dogs be called in if the cop...
  6. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    Mother Nature doesn't "want" anything. The world works logically and by laws that man didn't define and can't change. Logical conclusions can be drawn from the observation of nature, which people sometimes refer to as "nature wants this" or "nature wants that", because the outcome, at least on...
  7. W

    Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married

    Maybe but: 1. I like and respect you. 2. There's nothing you could do to get under my skin enough for me to resort to personally insulting you. Try yoga or tai'chi for relaxation.
  8. W

    Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married

    Only because I remember playing "Animal Cards" as a kid...the gorilla card was my favorite :)
  9. W

    Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married

    I'm not mad, and I like Michelle. I really do. But doesn't she look like a ... well ... you know ...
  10. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    Then the whole feline population is under deep depression thinking of you.
  11. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    I don't think my arguments have been refuted at all. Rather, I think your reactions are knee-jerk in nature, much like the fundamentalist Christians you are no different than just "dog mate" about different things than they do.
  12. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    The only thing you've proven is that you can forge someone's response.
  13. W

    Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married

    Ignore the question, and post a stupid, childish picture. Whay am I surprised? What picture will be next? Learn to talk.
  14. W

    Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married

    UB, why do you communicate in hieroglyhics (i.e. pictures) instead of complete sentences? Oh pray thee, tell.
  15. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    Well, I wish you hadn’t told me that you have a doctorate. Because I actually respected you before that, even if I did disagree with you. But now you’ve lost my respect completely. I have a degree in math and computer science. And I work as a Computer Engineer. Nothing to brag...
  16. W

    Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married

    Kelly4 is the best you can do find spelling errors by people who are undoubtedly high and drunk when they post otherwise relevant ideas?...OK, then have a fiedl day with ths.
  17. W

    When Will The US Government STOP Paying People To Have Children?

    What the hell is self-ownage? No hard-working person who provides value to society should be burdeoned with having to subsidize (against their will) people who are so weak and non-productive as to need handouts to survive. Such suckers should be at the mercy of soup kitchens, which did an...
  18. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    Well, I can't determine whether you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. Why don't you just state your opinion clearly and leave no doubt?
  19. W

    Obama's Hyprocrisy

    Once again, dear UB, you completely pervert my words and intent to support your own appearant agenda... You see things in your own particular version of "rose colored glasses". You operate in as much of a baseless, knee-jerk, right-wing fashion as fundamentalist Christians...just on the...
  20. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    UB, I'm sorry, I can't follow hieroglyphics...what is your point? Put it in words, please...