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  1. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    I'm not a Bible Thumper. Nor Have I ever been. I try to see the universe as it is. NOT as it's seen by right-wing Christians. NOR as it's seen by left-wing liberals. RATHER, as it IS...
  2. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    Well, I admit that you're a very intelligent person who could make a good argument in court that I was involved in the assination of President Lincoln. And I would sweat it out until a 2012 jury acquitted me...if in fact they would... But I look for SIMPLE explanations, where they exist...and...
  3. W

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    This thread is NOT about whether George Zimmerman is guilty or innocent. It's about the specific case of NBC's grossly biased news story against him, which resulted in the firing of a high-level NBC news producer. A few weeks ago, NBC News aired "the" 911 call that George Zimmerman had with...
  4. W

    Obama's Hyprocrisy

    I agree with Obama that gays should be allowed to marry. But let's face it. He made this "change of heart" only because he thinks it will assure his reelection. In preceding weeks, he had one close aide after another "come out" to the media that they support gay marriage. This was clearly an...
  5. W

    Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married

    I agree with Obama that gays should be allowed to marry. But let's face it. He made this "change of heart" only because he thinks it will assure his reelection. In preceding weeks, he had one close aide after another "come out" to the media that they support gay marriage. This was clearly an...
  6. W

    Why You Should NEVER Agree to a Vehicle Search by Police

    NOTHING good can ever come from allowing police to search your vehicle. Only bad things can happen, even if you have nothing incriminating in your vehicle. Young people, please don't blow this off. Read and remember. I'm amazed at how often I read about people who were arrested after they...
  7. W

    The RIGHT Way How To Handle A Traffic Stop

    OK, sorry. I was just wondering.
  8. W

    The RIGHT Way How To Handle A Traffic Stop

    Again, what do you mean?
  9. W

    The RIGHT Way How To Handle A Traffic Stop

    I'm sorry UB, what do you mean?
  10. W

    The RIGHT Way How To Handle A Traffic Stop

    I've heard about a lot of people who consented to searches and were busted. Personally, I've never heard of police calling K9s out. But even if they do and you get busted as a result, your lawyer can later argue in court that the search was illegal. But if you agree to the search, he (or she)...
  11. W

    The RIGHT Way How To Handle A Traffic Stop

    This is the right way to handle a traffic stop. Especially important for young people to watch this to avoid being intimidated by police. Here’s a summary of the video in case you don’t have time to watch. This story is the SAME whether...
  12. W

    When Will The US Government STOP Paying People To Have Children?

    You have so perverted my original assertions...maybe you need to get the bat guano and worm castings off your hands and out of your hair... If 30 years in agriculture tell you you're right, then how the hell can I or anyone else argue with you? Thank you for tolerating peons like me.
  13. W

    When Will The US Government STOP Paying People To Have Children?

    No, but it's sometimes difficult to deal with boring assertions like yours. Forgive me for my lack of patience with you.
  14. W

    When Will The US Government STOP Paying People To Have Children?

    Somalia is not my problem, although its citizens have my sympathy. I was fortunate, yes. Fortunate enough to be born in a country where I was allowed to work hard in an unincumbered fashion, to achieve my goals. And I have. With no handouts or help from anyone, except my parents.
  15. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    Oh well, time to go out to eat. I'll see you all in the funny papers in the morning. :)
  16. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    And I'll go as far to say that bisexuality is probably not counter to nature. Bisexuals do have the desire to pass their genes on. Again, I have no hatred toward gays. I'm just trying to see humankind in the context of nature. Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think so.
  17. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    Yeah, OK, I probably didn't come across as I intended...I am not saying that homos are bad...While I am saying that pedophiles are bad...however the desires of both seem to be counter to the second-strongest desire of all (or most) procreate. and yes I realize that many homos and...
  18. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    I don't know if there are "gay genes" or not. Probably not is my guess. But SOMETHING makes certain people be born with a desire to have sex with members of their own sex...which serves to prevent (or reduce, in the case if bisexuals) their their procreation...which is counter to the...
  19. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    OK, give me a chance to review them, and I will respond.
  20. W

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    Oh yes Werner, I have considered their arguments. They are baseless. Mine are factual and in line with what can be observed in nature.