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  1. N

    why are the tips turning yellow new grower

    I actually did the same thing with my plants that I have now. Well to Two of them. All I did was lay out some water until it was room temp and ripped the plants tray in half so i wouldn't break or hurt the roots. Then I filled an ice cream container not to high just enough to reach above the...
  2. N

    hold crap! how many of you use 400w hps systems?

    Too bad you couldn't find a ballast with a price like that. Nice find though.
  3. N not looking good so far

    I know no reply was expected I didn't say it was. But was expected was to be charged and that is the whole point. That is why I specifically said it is still to early to determine if it is a bad seedbank.
  4. N not looking good so far

    My intentions are not to review just yet. Just to update my experience with this particular seed bank. I plan to do this with a few seed banks.
  5. N not looking good so far

    Yes but the transaction was yesterday. I'm not expecting to be shipped. I was not charged on my card.
  6. N

    here are pics of my little girls----autos

    In my opinion you should have trimmed a few of the fan leaves to allow better growth. But other then that it looks nice. Keep it up.
  7. N not looking good so far

    Well I had placed an order yesterday got a confirmation e-mail but my card wasn't charged. So i had emailed them last night with no reply. It is still a little to early to say it is a bad seed bank. I will update later with more details.
  8. N

    seedling loos like grass blade

    I know its a marijuana seedling but I've never seen one like it at all. It looks like a grass blade at top. What is up with that? Can't upload pic yet don't know how to access my camera with ubuntu.
  9. N

    Where do I take my excess meds ?

    It is supposed to be properly disposed of selling it would be illegal.
  10. N

    Respect The military

    I'm sorry but I cannot respect any descion of murder. Even though it does protect me I feel empathetic towards the people we invade. Alot of innocent people slaughtered for revenge. Who would alqueda bomb if we weren't there. certainly not there own people. Those people were fully aware of the...
  11. N


    I would not reccomend to keep it there as soon as it sprouts though. What I noticed was it mad the plant shoot up faster then normal but the stem became weak and it needed help to keep itself up. I assume it was because needed more light causing it to stretch very rapidly creating a very weak stem.
  12. N


    Yes it will root to be honest with you. I've done it with a few plants years ago that never got passed seedling stage. Well that was because I was a teenager and didnt have anywhere to put it. So i just killed the plants for fear of being caught by my parents.
  13. N


    I'm actually experimenting with plant colors as well. I picked up some plant dyes at my local hydroponics store. You can try that but Idk if it will work.
  14. N

    1st grow

    I'm not sure as how to make thicker stems as I am a newbie as well. Also I'm pretty sure having a bushy plant is mainly genetics not an external factor. You could always bonzai train but not to the point its a bush. You would probably kill the poor thing.
  15. N


    Dude that's fucked up I just bought my seeds there. I have received them but 3 days still no sign of growth. I'm kind of worried now after reading this.
  16. N

    Lighting - please have a look at my situation...

    LST training is a bitch though. You're constantly adjusting because marijuana has such a fast growth. I''ve only ever grown once before. We were bonzai training as well. It sounds cool but half of the time you're afraid of f***ing up your plant.
  17. N

    Closet Growers Unite!!!

    Well I'm an indoor grower I guess. This the only the second grow I've ever been apart of. First time growing by myself though.
  18. N

    how do i connect fans to a power supply

    I have an old pc and i want to use the fans in my grow box. Problem is I have no idea how to connect the fans to the power supply. How does one do that?
  19. N

    Will this rig due?

    Wish someone would help really needs some ventilation
  20. N

    Lighting what screws do i wire.

    He os in bed also I figured it out